Not Just Dairy: Other Sources of Calcium

Are you feeling tired most of the time?

Does your mood swing swift from one frame of mind to another?

Perhaps, you lack proper nourishment. To other people, food alone does not suffice your body s need for a healthy well-being. Nowadays more individuals are into food supplements or vitamins to fill in the nutritional gap they are experiencing.

Calcium is one great example of a nutrient which is normally less in an individual s diet. Because of this, more individuals are experiencing brittle bones and teeth.

Nutritionists recommend that you ingest suggested dietary allowance of calcium to complete your diet. Each group of individuals has different calcium needs. For instance, an infant until he reaches the age of one need to have about 250-600 mg of calcium per day. On the other hand, toddlers between one to three years old require about 500 to 800 mg of calcium per day. Preschoolers between four to ten years old has calcium requirement of about 600 to 800 mg per day. Teenagers need 700 to 1200 mg of calcium per day. If you are in your adult stage which is normally twenty five years old and above, you need to have 800 to 1200 mg of calcium daily. You can observe that as a person ages, his need for calcium increases.

Dairy and other milk products are your major sources of calcium. However there are other alternatives to milk and milk products for you to be able to supply your body with the proper amount of calcium.

Fruits and vegetables which are rich in calcium are the following:

” Orange
” Apricots
” Pears
” Prunes and other related prune fruits
” Broccoli
” Sweet potatoes
” Nearly all of the dark, green leafy vegetables

You can also obtain calcium through nut consumption. Some of the nuts which you need to take are:

” Hazelnuts
” Chestnuts
” Brazil nuts
” Seeds such as sesame, pumpkin and sunflower

Fish and other sea foods can also be your source of calcium. Sardines and salmon are known to have high calcium content. Other than that you can also choose to ingest mackerel, shrimp, clams, flounder, and oysters.

If you think that food alone cannot provide you with enough calcium, then you can decide to undergo consuming calcium supplements. It is recommended that you consult with your nutritionist before taking any supplements.

For you to be in good physical shape you must take into consideration what food items you are taking. By doing so you can ensure that you will not feel restless most of the time nor have mood swings.

Live Longer and Stay Healthier with Calcium Supplement

Have you heard the terms scoliosis or osteoporosis? Maybe yes, because these are the most common diseases that adults suffer nowadays. These are due to lack of calcium, which is the one who makes our bones strong.

Calcium plays a vital role in strengthening our bones and teeth. Recent studies also found out that calcium is essential to us because it increases our nerve function, blood clotting and in controlling our blood pressure. Calcium supplement is essential especially for adults because it aids in preventing osteoporosis and helps fight against hypertension.

Calcium is abundant on dairy products such as cheese, milk, yogurt and eggs. It can also be found on grains, one good example is quinoa, and in fruits and vegetables such as oranges and broccoli. However, there are available calcium supplement that are present on tablets or in capsule form. But just be very careful and you must take prior advice from a doctor if it is safe for you to take that kind of calcium supplements. Too much intake of calcium everyday would hinder iron and zinc absorption into our system and may also lead to various deficiencies.

The most recent research concluded that through eating foods that are rich in calcium helps to reduce the amount of excessive fats in the system. Dairy industries make advertisements telling that their product would aid them to achieve weight loss. Yet, this is somewhat considered a misleading conception in some ways.

Cheese and milk from animals are very good sources of calcium, but others are also packed with almost all kinds of fats. It would be advisable to eat those plants and vegetables rich in calcium that are not good source of calcium alone but likewise contain fibers and proteins with less fat contents that will help you lose weight. Coral calcium supplement is also a good alternative since it provides us the necessary daily calcium intake with much lesser fat.

When you are taking calcium supplements, it is important that the supplement contain vitamin D because it is necessary on the absorption of the calcium into our body. Avoiding soft drinks also helps you to reduce the risk of having illnesses due to calcium deficiencies, because sodas tend to strip calcium into our bones. It is always been the best advice to take balance diet and get the necessary calcium supplement intake everyday on whole foods, fruits, in vegetables and in grains.

Coral Calcium – Supplement Under the Sea

Discovery and development of coral calcium is considered to be a major turning point in dynamic health merely because scientists and researchers already know how this natural supplement can be used by the body. We used to take various calcium supplements but unfortunately, our human body can not easily absorbed sufficient nutrients into the bloodstream. Thus, we are just spending our hard-earned money on these stuffs that can not do their task which is to provide us the necessary vitamins and minerals in order to safeguard us from various illnesses.

So what is this with coral calcium that makes it a good vitamin supplement for our body? Believe it or not, it is a salt that is sourced out from fossilized coral reefs. Since these coral reefs need to be protected to keep equilibrium within the marine ecosystem, the product is not made from the live coral reef. It is harvested by means of grinding up above ground limestone deposits which were once part of the coral reef.

Many believe that coral calcium is an excellent supplement due to the similarity of mineral composition in many ways of the coral and the human skeleton.

Coral calcium has the calcium carbonate composition as well as small quantities of magnesium and other essential trace minerals. Calcium carbonate that is sourced out from corals is similar from other sources of calcium. Moreover, with the inclusion of trace minerals, it made coral calcium more refined calcium supplement than its contemporaries.

Although a well-fed individual can not be deficient with these trace minerals, dietary data shows that an average American diet is relatively abundant in calories, fats, salts, and preservatives, thus resulting to low nutrition. Intake of coral calcium supplements can give you all the necessary nutrients which include calcium.

There are various benefits that can be derived from coral calcium supplements. Some of these are as follows:

It helps your body maintain strong teeth and bone structure.

It aids in proper functioning of your muscles, heart, and nerves.

It helps in blood clotting

Since the sources of coral calcium are from the nature itself, you can definitely conclude that it is all-natural supplement, without any synthetic additives. There are several dietary supplements that contain these synthetic additives which gives your body hard time absorbing the necessary nutrients, thus leading to a weakened position.

Truly, coral calcium is really a good additional supplement for a healthy diet.

Calcium: What You Should Know About It

Calcium is one of the most important minerals we need in order to sustain life. The function of calcium is to strengthen the human bone and teeth. This is why people with adequate intake of calcium are prevented to experience bone malformation and diseases.

Where can you get calcium? Almost all dairy products contain calcium. Samples of these dairy products include cheese, milk, yogurt and butter. Vegetables, meat, eggs and fruits are good sources of calcium as well. We need calcium everyday to supply the requirements of the body. If enough calcium is not taken, the bones will be open to many diseases and the bones will become weak in time. So, it is very important to have an adequate supply of calcium everyday.

What is the purpose of calcium to your body? It helps build the skeletal system and makes your bones healthier and stronger. Aside from the use of calcium to the bones, it is also essential to the functionality of nerves, responsible for blood clotting and muscle health as well. However, if is taken in small amount, it can also cause some health problems like hypocalcaemia but increased intake can reduce high blood pressure and eliminates pre menstrual symptoms.

Seaweed calcium is one among the most famous source of calcium. If you do not take enough calcium everyday, you need to take this particular supplement to maintain normal calcium in your body. This is very essential since people do not get much calcium from the food they eat everyday. This is ideal for men and women who are workaholic and do not spend much time watching about the food they eat everyday.

If you do not have adequate calcium intake you may suffer from the following conditions:

The bone structure will be weak and more prone to fractures
It can cause severe nerve sensitivity, leg cramps and muscle spasm
It can induce improper heart function
It takes time for your wound to heal
It slows down the blood clotting
It weakens not only the bone but the teeth as well
You will experience gum problems like bleeding gums
Hypertension can occur

So, calcium is really important in the human body. You will need to supply your body with enough calcium everyday to survive life. The right dosage of calcium must be taken to avoid developing certain conditions that can cause death. Never overdose with calcium since it can also be harmful to health if introduced to the body in large amount.

Healthy Eating Five Food Items That Help Lower Bad

Healthy Eating Five Food Items That Help Lower Bad Cholesterol

Most of us are aware that eating less burgers, fries, pizzas and fried foods helps to improve our heart, and our overall health. However, eating more healthy food options can organize more than just reduce cholesterol levels, or keep the heart healthy. Eating healthy foods also helps to improve skin tone, strengthen the immune system, enhance the eyesight, and lower the risks of getting a heart attack or stroke. The consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially vitamin – C rich fruits and green leafy veggies, has also been found to offer a protective effect against stroke and other coronary heart diseases.

Kiwi Fruit And Avocado

Avocados are delicious and creamy, and they are also good at reducing LDL, or bad cholesterol, as well as regulate blood trouble. Avocados are also rich in establish sterols, soluble fiber, monounsaturated fats and minerals. The kiwi fruit is also a low – key but hardworking fruit that’s good for the heart. Kiwi has a high potassium content, which helps in regulating blood handicap..

Undecayed Greens Are Heart – Healthy Items

Leafy greens are good at enhancing your body’s immune system. They’re also good at keeping your affection in good shape. Leafy greens like kale, Swiss chard, spinach, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens, mustard greens other dark green veggies are select sources of calcium, vitamins and other antioxidants. They help reduce plaque build – up in the arteries, and also aid in reducing blood oppression levels. These greens are also good sources of Omega – 3 fatty acids. Add fresh greens to your sandwich, taco or pizza, or sprinkle them in your soup and salads.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits like orange lemons, grape fruit, lime and tangerine, are excellent sources of vitamin C, folic acid, soluble fiber, minerals and antioxidants. Many doctors believe that eating at least one orange per day can help cut the risks of stroke by because much as 25 percent. Citrus fruits are also help reduce blood hindrance levels, bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Tea Helps Protect The Arteries From Damage

Whether green, black, white or any type, tea can help protect your arteries from high blood pressure and other hideous elements. By drinking at least two cups of tea per day, you actually help dilute the risks of having a stroke or heart attack by 40 %. drinking tea also helps you lose weight, and strengthen the teeth too. Choose unsweetened clambake instead of the usual commercial ice tea brands.

A colorful diet rich in fruits and vegetables, helps to keep the doctor away, and again allows you to live a longer and more active life. Make sure that you serve between three to five servings of fruits and veggies each hour, and slowly increase your consumption as you touch comfortable with your healthy eating meal plan.

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