What Do We Get Out Of Organic Farming and Gardening

What Do We Get Out Of Organic Farming and Gardening

Organic farming and gardening usually refers to techniques that do not use any fertilizers or chemical pesticides. This is because although they will help the plant grow, they are harmful to our health.

To give you an idea on how effective it is one study showed that organic milk from cows has more anti-oxidants, CLA, Omega 3 and vitamins compared to the cows that could produce the same amount of milk using hormones, antibiotics and the remains of other animals.

Another shows that organically grown fruits and vegetables have 50% more nutrients and vitamins that will drastically decrease your chances of suffering from a number of health problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and certain cancers.

If this was the case, why didnt we did we have to use it in the first place? Believe it or not, those who decided to use such things had the best of intentions but realized later on that this was a mistake.

Yes, more vegetables, fruits and meat products are needed to answer the demand of the market but it does not have to be at the expense of the lives that grow and eat it. Here are some reasons for it.

First, eating products made organically have shown that it people will be able to live healthier lives. Why? This is because items bought from the store, which are washed and heated does not always eliminate the fertilizers or chemicals that were used in making it grow.

Second, organically grown food tastes much better than inorganic ones. The reason is because antibiotics and pesticides take away essential vitamins and nutrients which your body desperately needs.

Third, you have to remember that fertilizers and pesticides also harm the environment. It makes the soil less fertile and also damages the environment.

Lastly, this will give animals the right to live even for a short while instead of being caged then slaughtered.

When you look for organic farming or gardening products at the grocery, you will notice that they are placed in a separate area and they are a bit more expensive. Maybe it is because the demand for such goods has not increased yet but if you are concerned about your health and those you care about, it is never too late to go organic.

The government for its part is doing its share by offering incentives and subsidies to farmers to engage in organic farming and gardening. How? By encouraging those who work the land for a living to cease genetic engineering, irradiation and sewage sludge and instead replace this with crop rotation. Since the shift is quite expensive for farmers to do themselves, the Department of Agriculture is the sole body tasked to shoulder some of the cost.

In fact, since organic farming and gardening is so simple, you can even do this in your own backyard. You just have to prepare the soil, buy the seeds and then following the proper guidelines so they can grow.

Although they are organic, dont forget to wash them thoroughly before you get home. This is because some farmers use compost and manure and you wouldnt want to serve that to whoever eats at the table.

Organic farming and gardening is the in thing today. It keeps us healthy and at the same time is environment friendly.

The Principles Of Organic Gardening

More farmers are switching towards organic gardening because it is much safer for the market to consume. In fact, those who would like to create their own garden at home can do the same thing by following the same principles.

First, organic gardening does not use any fertilizers, nutrients or pesticides to make good quality crops. You could say that this technique simply lets nature takes it course because you rely only on natural materials and rain water instead of tap water.

When we refer to natural materials, one way is to start a compost heap by using vegetables and other waste food. This can even be missed with grass that has been cut by the lawnmower and then mixed together and spread throughout the garden to help your plants grow.

Another is the use of manure which can easily be purchased from the store. If you dont like getting your hands dirty, let someone else do it as some people use chickens to freely roam around the garden. In fact, it doesnt take that much to keep your feathered friends full because you can use meat products and dead animals that are left for a couple of weeks in a bin to produce maggots that you can use to feed them.

Believe it or not, earthworms are also helpful in cultivating the soil so your vegetables or fruits may grow. This is because this creature digs deep into the ground and aerates the soil bringing various minerals to the surface which also provides better drainage. It also leaves casting behind that experts say is five times as rich in nitrogen phosphorous and potassium.

In any garden, the one thing you have to deal with is unwanted pests. This is the reason that pesticides were developed but because they are harmful to humans, organic gardening has to be done with the help of some of natures friends.

A good example is a toad because they are known to eat more than 10,000 insects in three months time. These include armyworms, crickets, gypsy moth caterpillars, slugs and squash bugs. You could also use birds like the house wren that loves to feed on caterpillars and spiders.

The best part about having toads or birds around is that you dont have to buy them. You just have to create the perfect environment to welcome them into your backyard.

In fact some garden insects which you think are bad are actually working for you. Take for instance the ladybug or the praying mantis. These creatures are protective of their territory and will devour anything that comes in their path.

Some plants can also be used to control the pest population. Planting some rosemary, sage or thyme has been known to repel butterflies while marigolds are an effective deterrent against nematodes.

But the most effective means of growing organic crops all year round is through crop rotation. This means you change what you are growing every few months.

By following such principles, you will realize that most of the leftover after each meal and other garbage in your home does not go to waste. This is recycled and converted into energy that you can use to fuel your garden. It is also cheap and is your way of helping the environment.

Organic Gardening Product: From Fruits to Veggies to Flowers

Nowadays, more and more people are getting into organic gardening. Although organic gardening applies to all forms of plants, most often when you say organic gardening product, the first things that come to mind are vegetables and fruits. But, products of the organic way also cover other plants like ornamental and flowery plants. Regardless, may it be growing vegetables, flowers, or even fruits, people are trying to reap the benefits of the organic way.

Organic gardening is a science. It is not just simply planting the seeds and waiting for the plant to grow, flower or bear fruit. The process involves careful planning since organic gardening follows the natural principles of nature in soil cultivation, managing pests, and propagating plants.

However, dont be daunted since we only mention that organic gardening is a science to emphasize that we dont just let nature do the work. We grow our plants or crops by applying a system that is approved by Mother Nature. Thats the essence of it.

There are a lot of elements involved in organic gardening but for our discussion we will focus on general aspects of soil cultivation and pest management.

To succeed in organic gardening, we need to keep the soil healthy. You cant use chemical fertilizers, obviously, since it negates the very purpose of the activity and also the long term use of such fertilizers damages the natural components of the soil. Composting is an essential part of organic gardening. Composts have various benefits for your plants. One, it provides the needed nutrients and improves the overall soil constitution. Second, the compost can help the soil retain more water which means less time spraying your plants with a garden hose.

Aside from proper soil cultivation, the problem that is dreaded by most growers is pest control. From flying to crawling, from walking to boring, managing pests is a vital key in producing quality organic produce or maintaining a healthy organic garden.

In an organic garden, the plants should be able to handle the damage of ordinary insect attacks or damage from common diseases. However, if you feel you need to support your plants there are several ways you could do so. You can spray your garden or plants with solutions that are friendly to the environment such as diluted soapy water or organic sprays from naturally occurring insecticide plants, the neem tree for instance.

Or another way is to equip your garden with friendly insects. You can find out what kind of pests are there in your garden and look for its natural enemies. This way, population of pests can be controlled by your own army of insects. By introducing natural predators, you will no longer fear of pests getting immune from insecticides. But, pest management for an organic garden really involves combinations of techniques.

With proper care, and the right techniques, your organic garden can be sustained. You can be assured that the soil is cared for and healthy, plants will be able to pollinate effectively, water will be conserved, and plants in general will survive longer.

All these elements when combined together will result to a hefty harvest of an organic garden product of your choice. Your vegetables or fruits will be fresher than before. You will have a garden with vibrant and healthy flowers.

Organic Gardening Magazine, A Resource of Wealth

Green thumbs really do come into play when going about organic gardening. But it is not always about the greenness of one’s thumb but rather the knowledge of that person about the subject that will make them successful in the venture. And where is the right venue to look for such resources but through the organic gardening magazines.

Basic Facts about Organic Gardening
The simplest definition for organic gardening may be that it is the type of gardening wherein the farmer is at one with nature. In such type that may also be called organic horticulture, the gardener doesn’t use commercial fertilizers or even pesticides on their plants.

Organic is the Way to Go
Is it really possible to grow plants without the help of artificial fertilizers and the vast range of pesticides available in the market? Name the pests, may it be ants, rodents, insects, at this time and age, you’d find the suitable chemical to ward these pests off.

But this is not the case with organic gardening, because in this, the farmer uses whatever is available and is suitable for their type of plants, just within the environment. So in this case, the person who is into such type of gardening looks into nature, studies the plants and works on cultivating those without using anything synthetic.

Organic Gardening Magazine
The concept may appeal hard at first especially with people who are so well-versed with commercially available gardening resources. This is where organic gardening magazines will be of great help.

Wherever you are, it will not be hard to find a magazine which talks about such procedure. The Net also has various online magazines about organic gardening. All one needs to do is look for it.

What to Look For
If you are really interested in starting such or already are into one but want to broaden your knowledge about it, here are some more things you might want to consider browsing about.

Horticulture has five parts of study. You may want to look for articles on magazines and other resources based on what types of plants you want to grow or are already growing.

Floriculture is the organic way of growing floral plants. It also explains marketing of such and maintenance.

Landscape horticulture is all about producing and marketing landscape ornaments. This may be a good business venture if handled the right way.

Vegetable production, meanwhile, is part of Olericulture. This also involves maintenance and the right marketing techniques for producers of such.

Pomology is about fruits. This will explain growing such, producing and marketing the products.

Lastly, Postharvest Physiology tackles ways to produce quality products with this type of gardening while avoiding spoilage of the produce.

Going Holistic
Gardening is still a trial and error approach however you want to do it. But organic uses the holistic approach that has been tested through time and cultivated through the years. One’s basic knowledge of the environment and the plants they plan to harvest is all they need to go about this.

These are the basic facts you might want to look out for when searching at the organic gardening magazine or other resources for such topic. The most important thing here is to know your environment so that you won’t have any trouble when choosing the plants that you would want to place in it, thus, the more chances of having great output.

Organic Gardening is Perfect for Mother Nature

Organic Gardening is perfect for you and perfect for the environment. With the world’s problem now with global warming, one must wonder and suggest ways of helping find answers to such. Big or small, everybody can have their share in the solution.

Organic farming may be one because it is like recycling what is already available in the environment to be able to produce the greens. The gardener is helping the environment by growing plants and more so, by helping in diminishing waste in a natural way.

Synthetic is Out
With organic gardening, one must rely only on his/her ability and on whatever nature has for them to be able to come up with the crops. This requires more work, patience and long hours and trial and error procedures on the part of the farmers but once they see the results, they won’t feel bad at all.

With organic farming, the gardeners depend on the environment to supplement their crops. For example, composting fallen leaves, clipped grass, animal manures and other resources would create fertilizers. In making compost, one may opt to do it by oneself, periodically checking on the compost to see if it needs more water to it, or more materials should be added on it. Or they may just pile up what others may consider as trash and let nature, the microorganisms, earthworms and the soil itself do the composting naturally.

The latter is easier to do but takes longer period of time and the result will not be as good as the compost done the way that was first discussed. A good compost will serve as the plant’s fertilizer and likewise a pesticide. If you opt to do the latter, make sure to use only the decomposed materials from the pile so as to come up with better use of such with your crops.

Choose Your Plants
In organic gardening, it is best to know first the condition of the environment that you are in. Study the soil and weather before choosing the right produce fit for your site. This way, it will not be as hard maintaining the crops.

Gardening Systems
There are certain terms in organic gardening that has evolved through time because this is being done since the early years.

Rudolf Steiner quoted Biodynamic farming. While a no-till approach for small time production of grains was invented by Masanobu Fukuoka, a Japanese writer and at the same time, a farmer. This he also called the Natural Farming. Other gardening techniques for small scale production are the French Intensive, Biointensive and Small Plot Intensive kinds of farming.

The abovementioned are formal organic farming systems that have specific requirements and techniques.

Gardening Tools
To complete your gardening set-up, you would have to have tools. Now don’t be swept by the oh-so-many fancy gardening tools that are available in the market. Some are just to fancy as to having a real use with what you really need to do.

But to start with your organic experience, you might want to try having some or all of the following. A folding saw with a rubber handle is recommended as long as its blade is replaceable. A Moth-Blocker will be most beneficial, on the other hand, for crops like that cauliflower and broccoli because this will hinder the moths from laying its eggs on the produce. A Row Cover or Shade Fabric can be bought or can be done at home if you know how to do such. This will provide the needed shade for your plants. Of course, you have to invest on a good digging tool because you will need this a lot, just like a hat, which you should also have to protect yourself from the sun’s rays.

With everything ready and with the proper information that you are now equipped with, organic gardening is perfect so you may want to start with it as soon as possible. Mother Nature will surely thank you for doing so.