What Are Some Vegetables Found in Mexico

Americans love Mexican cuisine. The cuisine usually found in America contains typical vegetables you can find in the states. There is a variety of vegetables not as known in America, but are grown and eaten throughout Mexico.

Jicama is a Mexican potato and also considered a turnip. It is a large, bulbous root vegetable with the roots getting as heavy as 50 pounds. Its flesh is thin and is brown and white in color. Jicama has a crunchy taste to it. The flavor is described as being nutty and sweet, with the texture similar to water chestnuts. In Mexico the vegetable is thinly cut and soaked with Mexican lime, and topped to chili pepper.

Nopales are another common vegetable throughout Mexico. It is a popular vegetable to eat during Lent. Nopales consist of fleshy, oval leaves that are from the nopal cactus. Their color can be anywhere from light green to dark green. They have a light, tart taste to them. The vegetable can be boiled or grilled. In Mexico you will see nopales cooked in scrambled eggs and even sandwiches.

Chayote is a gourd that once was the main food for the Aztecs and Mayas. Its skin varies from being white to pale green. The outside can be found smooth, wrinkled, or full of pricks. People prepare it similar to summer squash. It also is used in salads. Because the taste is mild, seasonings are sometimes added to strengthen the flavor.

Another vegetable that would be great added to a salad is the Mexican Gherkin.
It is a young cucumber that is picked when it is 1 to 3 inches in size. The vegetable can then be cut and added to salads, or other dishes. People also jar the gherkins adding vinegar and dill, which makes them pickled.

Many Mexican dishes have tomatoes added. One popular tomato is called the Mexican husk tomato. It was popular back in the Aztec and Mayan economy. The plant can stand 4 to 5 feet tall. The tomatoes are usually miniature in size. When the tomatoes are ripe the skin will be yellow, purple, and sometimes red, but that is a rare color for the tomato. It gives many different flavors from being acidy, to sweet with many seeds. The Mexican husk tomato is grown in the Summer time in temperate regions of the country. It also needs plenty of sun and not extremely wet soil. Once grown, they are cut and eaten raw, or added to different dishes such as a sauce called salsa verde which goes on meats or green chili peppers or used alone. They also are popular additions to salads.

These vegetables and others that are grown in Mexico can be found at food markets and Mexican grocery stores. Each vegetable has its own purposes and make great additions to dishes. It is great to experiment and see what you can do with them. Before you know it, you may be adding chayote besides tomatoes and avocados in your salad!

What Are Some Mexican Spices

Mexican spices are used in many dishes found in Mexico. Some are spices you kind find anywhere, such as Garlic. Others give unique flavors. Epazote is a spice that is not as common. It is also known as “Mexican tea”. It is used to flavor beans and other foods, but should be used sparingly because it can be poisonous in large amounts. Even though it is strong, it is said to be good for intestinal discomfort.

Chile powder is a popular spice in Mexican foods. It is used to add flavor to vegetables, and meats. Another Chile powder that is popular is Chipotle. It is made from Jalapenos that have been dried and smoked. The flavor is one of a kind and goes well with many dishes. It is gaining popularity outside of Mexico. One other type of chile pepper is Ancho. It is different from the other peppers because it has a sweet flavor similar to dried fruit.

Common spices used in Mexico are Cumin, and Oregano. Mexican dishes that include tomatoes are perfect with oregano. It gives the dish an earthy flavor. Cumin gives Mexican dishes a taste that cannot be matched. Cumin takes three to four months of a long summer to grow. Cumin is a dry seed from the herb Cuminum Cyminum which is a member of the parsley family. This spice is the key component in curry power and chili powder. Cumin can also be boiled and served as a tea which is called “cumin cider”. Cumin is a spice that has been used for many centuries and will continue to be used by the people of Mexico.

Recado rojo is a special blend of spices that are from Mexico. It was used as long ago as the Mayans. It the spice mixture is red because of the added annatto seeds, which give food a red look to them when added. The blend contains spices such as cinnamon, clove, cumin, oregano garlic, and more. This blend is associated Mexican foods found in the Yucatan. It would be very easy to make this from your own home.

Achiote is the shrub that the annatto seeds come from which is added to the recado rojo mixture. This shrub is grown in Southeast Asia and was introduced to the Spanish in the 17th century. It is consider an inedible fruit that is used for its seeds. Long ago American Indians used the seeds to make body paints. Parts of the shrub can be used in medical remedies for health problems such as headaches and burns.

If you want to try these spices from your home, they are available at major grocery stores. You can even make your own blend of Mexican spices. Gather a few of the mentioned spices in this article, along with paprika and salt, and blend them together for a sensational burst of flavor. This is a great blend in chili. It can be added to foods that are baked, broiled and barbequed. It is perfect on chicken and pork. It is an excellent addition for your next barbeque. Let the grilling begin!

Recipes for People who are Allergy-Sensitive

A food allergy is a type of immunologic reaction due to intake of certain food protein. Recent studies show that there are about twelve millions Americans who suffer from food allergies.

Shellfish, eggs, tree nuts, fish and peanuts are considered familiar causes of food allergies to older people. The younger ones usually suffer food allergies from peanuts, milk and eggs.

Currently, the only cure for people who are allergy-sensitive is to prevent intake of foods which makes them allergic or what is termed as allergens. To avoid food allergy attacks, it is a must to carefully prepare the food that will be consumed by allergy-sensitive people.

At this time there are more than 200 recipes which you can cook. Many of those are free from allergens.

Egg-free Diet

Over reaction of the immune system in the body when proteins from the eggs are ingested causes egg allergy.

You need to avoid prepared foods wherein albumin, egg, and other egg substitutes are present if you have allergies with egg. There are different egg substitute which you incorporate on your cooking recipe such as:

– Puree from apricot
– Plain gelatin with warm water
– Mix of baking powder, vinegar and liquid

You need to check the appropriate amount of each item before you prepare the above-mentioned substitutes.

Peanut-free Diet

All kinds of nut as well as foods that may contain peanut protein should be prevented for consumption if you happen to belong to people who have peanut allergies.

These days, there are a lot of peanut-free recipes you can prepare. To name a few of peanut-free recipes are: (1) SoyNut Butter Cookies; (2) Smoothie made from Super Soy; (3) Tofu Pie made from SoyNut and Banana; (4) Ginger soup; and (5) Sauce prepared from SoyNut.

It has been discovered that soy nut is the best substitute for food preparation which is free from peanut. A soy nut does not belong to the nut family since the term is coined for soybeans that are drenched and baked for a crispier taste.

Milk-free Diet

Milk allergy is an allergic response of the immune system when an individual has consumed one or more proteins acquired from cows milk.

If you are allergic to milk, you need not consume foods or beverages which contain milk, butter, different types of cheese, and sour creams. Some of dairy-free recipes which you may want to prepare are: (1) Potato Soup which are homemade; (2) Grilled Salmon; (3) Shrimp which is marinated then grilled; (4) Pecan snack; and (5) Spaghetti with No Red Sauce.

The complete information with regards to the recipes of some cited examples may be searched at the internet. The ingredients as well as the cooking procedures are also available through the internet. All you need to do is type in the keyword.

People who have food allergies can still taste delectable delicacies eliminating the allergens which triggers their allergy. The one who is preparing the food must be cautious not to include food triggers. Most importantly, there are a multitude of alternative food recipes which you can cook. The internet is a good source of recipes.

Eating should not be boring for people with food allergies. It takes a lot of creativity and resourcefulness so that you can eat the foods that you want using different food substitutes.

Tips for First Time Grill Owners

Grilling, or Barbequing is a true American tradition. Many Americans are finding themselves with a grill for the first time. Good experiences with your grill will surely lead to using your grill more and more.

Planning Ahead

Barbequing has been around since early cavemen figured out that food tasted great after being cooked on an open fire. Perhaps one of the main memories attached to a family barbeque is what was on the menu that day. Barbequing opens a whole array of types of foods available. The type of foods you serve should largely depend on your crowd and the event in which you are celebrating. With the wide range of possibilities, you are sure to find at least a few items that will please your crowd.

Another potential issue when barbequing is the weather. While you will not be able to guarantee that the weather stays nice your barbeque event, a certain amount of planning will help you avoid the days in which barbequing is just simply out of the picture. Watch the weather channel or check online for your weekly forecast. If rain or cold weather is likely on the day you were thinking about having your barbeque, it may be a good idea to wait for a better forecast.

Make sure that you prepare ahead for your barbeque. 12 to 24 hours before you plan on beginning the party, make sure to thaw, prepare, and marinate the meat you will be cooking. Once you have the meat stored away, soaking up the marinate, then you must start thinking about what types of side dishes you will be having. If you want a completely tradition barbeque, you may want to stick with traditional sizes. Traditional barbeque sides include potatoes, potato salad, baked beans, and coleslaw.


You will need some common household items on hand when it comes time to
clean your barbeque grill.

Brass wire grill brush
Steel wool pads, preferably that contains soap already.
Mild dish soap
Sponge or dishcloth
Spray cooking oil
Dry baking soda
Aluminum foil

The first thing that should always be done to your grill is a routine brushing. Using your brass wire grill brush (or other brush suitable to your type of grill) you should brush off all the surfaces. By routinely brushing your barbeque grill, you will prevent any type of buildup. If buildup from food is left to long, it can become increasingly difficult to remove. Once you have cleaned the surfaces of your grill, then you must focus on its racks. The racks in your grill are especially important as this is where the food touches when it is cooking. You will have to use the wire brush to remove as much buildup as possible. Once you remove as much as possible, start washing the racks with dish soap. If the racks are really dirty, you may also want to use the steel wool pads. Be sure to completely rinse off all soap and residue before cooking on these racks again.

This process should be completed each and every time you cook on your barbeque grill. If these steps are not taken, you may find it increasingly difficult to clean your grill, and may find that damage will occur.

The majority of problems that arise from barbeque grills comes from lack of cleaning and maintenance. That means if you notice something does not seem quite right with your barbeque grill, chances are it can be fixed with just a simple cleaning. Even if you clean it, and still find that it is having problems, at least you saved yourself the potential embarrassment of taking it to a professional only to find out all it needed was to be cleaned.

Finally, one method of preventing problems with your barbeque grill is protecting it from the outdoors. Covers are available for grills in all shapes and sizes, so chances are, you will find one that fits your grill. If you have a cover for your barbeque grill, then all you will ever need to do is do the regular maintenance listed above.

Tips for Better Barbequing

If you are new to barbequing, chances are you have run into some problems when it comes to barbequing. Barbequing, like anything else, takes practice. Learning from your mistakes, as well as the mistakes of other will help you learn quickly.

Before you begin cooking, spray your cooking area with a nonstick cooking spray. This will prevent your meat from sticking when you are rotating or removing it. If your meat sticks and tears, you will lose a large amount of juice, and your meat may dry out.

Never place food on the grill until the temperature is correct. The fluctuation in temperatures will cause your food to dry out or burn. If you are using a charcoal grill, make sure that the coals are completely gray before putting the meat on the grill. This will allow the temperatures to level out, and the majority of the lighter fluid to burn off.

Cooking with charcoal lighter fluid can be good or bad. The lighter fluid will cause the food you are cooking to taste different then with other types of grills. Alternatively, attempting to not use lighter fluid may cause a lot of frustration due to the fact that charcoal can be difficult if not impossible to light without lighter fluid.

You must properly prepare the meat you are cooking, before cooking it. You should never attempt to cook meat on a grill when it is still frozen, or even partially frozen. Thaw your meat by sitting it out about 12 to 24 hours before you plan on cooking it, or by thawing it in a microwave. If you meat is thawed, but in the refrigerator, set it out long enough for the meat to get to room temperature.

Once meat is cooked, never put it back in on the same plate you had it on when it was raw. This could cause the spread of many unwanted illnesses. Do not handle cooked meat with the same utensils that you used when it was raw.

Never poke you meat while it is cooking. Poking holes in meat will cause the juice inside to leak out into the bottom of the grill. Not only will this make your food dry and unappealing in the end, but it also could potentially ruin your barbeque grill. At the very least, it will cause a buildup of unwanted grease and juices on your girll, which will make cleanup harder.

Once the meat is on the grill, try not to open the lid to many times. Each time you open the lid, you change the temperature in the grill. The constant change in temperature and the air flow will cause your meat to dry up quickly.

Remember that the higher the heat is not always the better. While it is ok to quickly cook food, turning the heat up will just cause the meat to dry up and potentially burn.

While using tin foil or aluminum foil will make cleaning easier, it will cause your food to have more of a fried taste then a grilled taste.

If you are planning on using your favorite barbeque sauce, be sure to wait as long as possible to put it on the meat. Putting barbeque sauce on to early will not only potentially cause your meat to dry out, but it could also burn.