The Different Pastas in Italian Food

There are two main categories of pasta used in Italian food, dried pasta and fresh pasta. Right now there are over 350 different shapes and varieties of dried pasta being used in Italian food. Some varieties are common and others are specific to a certain regional area. The shapes used in Italian food can range from the classic tubes and strands to butterflies or bowties and even unique shapes such as tennis rackets. Italian food is taken very seriously in Italy and by law all dried pasta is required to be made with pure durum semolina flour and water. This standard is adhered to by most pasta makers all over the world and only this type of dried pasta is used in good quality Italian food.

The reason that Italian food in Italy tastes different than the Americanized Italian food is because pasta makers in Italy take more care in making quality pasta. Dried pasta is meant to hold onto the sauce with which it is being served. After all, Italian food wouldn’t be Italian without the sauce. The pasta is made with ridges or into complex shapes in order to grab onto the sauce. These ridges are formed during a process known as extrusion. This is the step in pasta making where the pasta is forced out of a copper mold and then cut into the desired length before being dried. The copper molds are the key. They are expensive and likely to wear, but they make the best pasta. Unfortunately, most of the pasta used in American Italian food is made with steel molds that make the pasta too slick to hold onto the sauce. However, more and more pasta makers outside of Italy are beginning to use the copper molds in an effort to make better quality Italian food. The drying process also greatly affects the quality of the pasta and the resulting Italian food.

Pasta should be dried for a specific amount of time in a specific temperature depending on the variety. Pasta made in Italy is allowed to dry for long periods of time, up to fifty hours, and at relatively low temperatures. Companies outside of Italy typically dry their pasta at high temperatures in order to get it dried quicker. This method comes at a price and diminishes the quality of the pasta and the resulting Italian food.

The other form of pasta used in Italian food is fresh pasta. All pasta actually starts out as fresh pasta but certain pasta recipes require that the pasta be eaten fresh and soft, not dried. Fresh pasta is often made with slightly different ingredients than dried pasta. In the northern parts of Italy fresh pasta is most often made with all-purpose flour and eggs. However, the southern parts of Italy make their fresh pasta with semolina and water. It should be noted that different recipes can call for different variations. These different recipes give a distinct flavor to the Italian food of different regions. Some types of pasta are meant just to be eaten fresh, while others are meant to be dried. There are also some types of pasta that can be fresh or dried; it depends on what Italian food dish is being prepared.

When a variation of pasta can be either dried or fresh it is sometimes argued that the fresh style is best. Making fresh pasta is a point of pride for many Italian households and is reflected in the quality of the Italian food that they prepare.

The Reasons Why You Should Start a Belgian Chocolate Store

The Reasons Why You Should Start a Belgian Chocolate Store

Many people today are now starting their own small business in order to have more freedom and also to earn more money. However, you have to consider that not all small businesses are successful. This is because owners of unsuccessful businesses failed to study what most people want and what the demands are in the market today. Sometimes, entrepreneurs have the right idea but the wrong product to sell in their business.

So, before you start any your own small business, you have to consider what your consumers want in order to make your business a success.

To give you an idea on what kind of business is ideal, you have to think of an item or a food that people really loves and one that never grows old. One such food idea is called chocolates. You have to admit the fact that a lot of people loves to eat chocolate. Even dieting people loves eating chocolate and they openly admit that they even cheated at least once on their diet by sneaking in the kitchen in the middle of the night just to eat chocolates.

So, if you are planning to put up a store, you should consider selling chocolate products in order to satisfy the cravings of your potential clients. Since chocolates are very popular all over the world, you can be sure that you will never run out of enthusiastic clients.

However, you have to remember that people are also very picky about what kind of chocolates they want. First of all you have to consider the fact that cheap chocolates dont give the taste that people always look for in a chocolate. This is why you should consider selling only the finest chocolates in order for your chocolate store to be always frequented by chocolate enthusiasts. Always remember that cheap chocolates will never make you successful.

One kind of fine chocolates is Belgian chocolates. You have to consider that Belgium produces one of the finest chocolates in the world. If you yourself love chocolate, you may have heard of Godiva and Callebaut chocolates. These chocolates are Belgian chocolates, and if you know your chocolates, you will know that Godiva and Callebaut are definitely the finest chocolates in the world.

Although fine chocolates from Belgium are on the expensive side, you can always buy them in bulk to save money and order online to enjoy additional discounts and promos. You also have to consider the fact that if you sell only the finest tasting chocolates, you can be sure that your store will be frequented by chocolate lovers.

However, you dont have to exclusively sell Belgian chocolates. You can also provide cheaper and locally made chocolates in order for people who cannot afford to purchase fine chocolates. There are also cheaper brands of Belgian chocolates that you can consider. You have to remember that you should always keep the price as low as possible in order for you to get a lot of profits and also a lot of customers. Always remember that just because it’s Belgian doesnt mean that you have to mark up the price a lot.

To attract and keep customers, always price your Belgian chocolates reasonably. These are some of the things you have to remember when you are planning to put up a chocolate store with Belgian chocolates as your products.

Foods Eaten Around Easter in Mexico

Mexico has many Easter customs. Many of these customs derived from Spain. These customs vary throughout the different regions and cities. Catholics are forbidden to eat red meat on certain days during Lent, so meals that exclude it are consumed during these times. Dishes that involve fish become popular. The Nopal is also a popular food eaten during this time.

Nopal is a type of cactus that has flat leaves. It is very flexible. Part of it is considered a vegetable, while the other being a fruit. The nopal can be made fresh, canned, or dried. There are many dishes that include nopal. Salads with added shrimp are great when fasting during Lent. Eggs with nopal are common. They can also be put into tacos. Nopal is rich in fiber and vitamins. Romeritos is another vegetable eaten during Lent. It is a green leaf that resembles rosemary. It is made with whole shrimp with a touch of chile sauce or powder.

Naturally since corn is a popular vegetable in many Mexican dishes, it is eaten a lot during Lent. Chacales is a dish made that is dried white corn that is broken into pieces and prepared into a soup. One other vegetable that seems to top all other vegetables in popularity is the Italian squash. The squash is cut and placed in a cloth which is then laid out in the sun until the squash is fully dried. Once it is dry, the squash is fried with tomatoes and onions. Cheese is placed on the top of the vegetables and not served until it the cheese completely melts.

Fish is an easy way to fast from meat during this time of year. It can be prepared in many different ways. A fish soup that is made around this time includes lima beans with the fish in pieces. Shrimp is also eaten. Shrimp can be served raw, or even made into shrimp patties. These patties can be covered with a traditional Lenten sauce called Pipin. Pipin is made of different spices, and also pumpkin seeds.

One of the most well-known desserts served around lent is known as capirotada. Capirotada is a Mexican bread pudding. This pudding varies from home to home. It usually consists of toasted French bread, cheese, milk, butter, peanuts, and raisons. It is soaked in syrup that includes water, brown sugar, cinnamon, and a variety of other ingredients. Another dessert that is popular around Easter time in Mexico is Empanadas. They are turnovers with a flaky crust that is filled with fruit in the middle. Some fruits inside are cherry, and strawberry. They come in a variety of flavors, but the favorites are apricot, apple, and blackberry.

Even though Lent is a time to fast, that doesn’t mean the people doing the fasting cannot enjoy what they eat. There are many more foods that are eaten during this time. Some dishes date back from many centuries ago. It is no surprise as to why these dishes are still popular.

The Art Of Wine Tasting

Even though many just assume that wine tasting is sipping, swishing, and swallowing – many are amazed to find that its actually a bit more. Wine tasting is more of an art, an art that is used to distinguish the taste of fine wines. Wine can be a tasty and refreshing drink – if the bottle was stored correctly and aged properly.

Wine tasting begins with the swishing. The reason why wine tasters swish the wine around in their mouths is to get the taste. Both the front and the back areas of the tongue contain taste buds, although neither one has any distinct sensation in taste. Taste buds can detect food and liquid that is bitter, salty or sweet, without a problem. To get the proper taste from wine however, you need to swish it around in your mouth and allow your taste buds and sense of smell to bring out the unique and fine flavors in the wine.

When you have a cold however, the wine can taste very different. When tasting your wine, your sense of smell has a major impact on the taste. What many fail to realize, is that over 75% of our taste is due to our sense of smell. When we have a cold, our sense of smell is affected. Therefore, when eating or tasting wine with a cold, the taste will appear different. Wine tasters all over the world will tell you that tasting wine is more about a sense of smell than the actual taste buds.

The art of wine tasting is indeed an art. Wine tasters do however, follow some general guidelines and rules that judge how great a wine is. These techniques can help you bring the most out of your wine, providing you follow them and know how to bring out the taste.

The first thing to do with wine is to look. With wine, you can tell quite a bit about it by looking at it. You should always start by pouring the wine into a clear glass, then taking a few minutes to look at the color. As far as the color goes, white whines arent white, but actually yellow, green, or brown. Red wines on the other hand are normally a pale red or dark brown color. Red wine gets better with age, while white whines get more stale with age.

Next, is the smell of the wine, which you should do in two steps. You should start with a brief smell to get a general idea of the wine, then take a deep, long smell. This deeper smell should allow you take the flavor of the wine in. The more experienced wine tasters prefer to sit back a bit and think about the smell before they actually taste the wine.

Last but not least, is to taste the wine. To properly taste the wine, you should first take a sip, swish it around in your mouth, and then swallow. Once you swish the wine around in your mouth, youll bring out the rich and bold flavors of the wine. After swallowing, youll be able to distinguish the after taste of the wine, and the overall flavor.

Once you have looked at the wine, smelled it, and finally tasted it, youll be able to evaluate the wine from a tasters standpoint. This is the easiest way to determine the quality of the wine, and whether or not it has been properly stored and aged. As with all things in life – the more you taste wine – the better you will get at distinguishing the unique flavors.

What are the Benefits of a Coffee Franchise?

Building a business from the ground up can be an intimidating, back breaking, and bankrupting process for many would be business owners. Most businesses fail miserably after the first year and even those that hang on often fail to do much more than break even (if that) during their first three years in existence. For this reason we are seeing a growing trend among those who are interested in owning a businesses in franchise purchases and ownerships.

If you know very little about what it means to own a franchise businesses such as a franchise coffee establishment you might not realize how many benefits ownership of a business such as this really has. Name recognition is often one of, if not, the greatest challenges that most businesses face. It is difficult to get people to try something they’ve never heard of before, especially if it has something to do with food or drink. It is much easier for most to go to the same big chain stores that line malls and shopping centers across the nation rather than taking a chance on the new kid in town that offers something unexpected.

While name recognition goes a long way to making ownership of a coffee franchise, or other franchise establishment, there are plenty more wonderful reasons to consider a franchise business rather than going it alone. In fact one of those reasons is that in a franchise you aren’t going it alone. You will have training and education that allows you to build your business on the experience of others without making many of the costly mistakes they have made in the process. Build on the positive and avoid the negative to make more immediate profits than if you were to build your own business from the ground up.

Another great benefit of joining a coffee franchise is that they have the ability to do extensive marketing research that most small business owners cannot afford. This means that the advertisement campaigns are much more likely to appeal to your target audience and get results than if you were creating the ads yourself. You will also find that most larger franchises run national advertisements that you are not likely to be able to afford until you have a few franchises under your belt and would have even more difficulty affording if you were building your own business. Professional advertising is a huge benefit to small business owners and a coffee franchise will receive a big bump in business due to a successful ad campaign.

Training is yet another big benefit to choosing a coffee franchise rather than going it alone with your business. Most franchises offer comprehensive training programs for everything from paper work, closing sales, perfect water temperatures for brewing coffee, and how a uniform should look on staff. Extensive training in these methods means less mistakes which turns into great profits. A coffee franchise may not be the perfect business but going with a franchise is often a much quicker path to profits than stepping outside the franchise umbrella could ever be.