Seafood On The Grill

Some Of The Best Stuff

While meat or poultry would never be out of anyones grilling vocabulary, everyone who is onto grilling should also have some dose of grilled seafood. Not only does seafood give a healthier option to those who cannot have too much of meat but they also taste really good if you know how to prepare them the right way. With the many pleasant things you can turn seafood into by the use of your grill; it is no wonder why it is getting more popular by the moment.

Considering that, you might want to try having seafood the next time you and your family go grilling. So to educate you with what seafood would be great on the grill as well as what are some good things to do with them, here are some tips that would describe in detail the ideal way of cooking and having it.

Grilling Fish

When it comes to grilling seafood, fish should always be at the top of the list. With some nice fishes and a grill alone, you would able to produce so much delectable dishes with only that. In grilling fish, you would first have to classify fish into firm and tender, whole and fillet and use different grilling approaches when in comes to the fish depending on how you would classify them. Be aware that aside from direct grilling, you could also roast, sear and do a lot more with fishes on the grill.

For firm fish such as tuna and swordfish, the best way of having them is to grill them right on top of the fire since other types could easily crumble and fall right inside the grill. Make sure that the fire is not too strong as not to burn the fish but just right as to make the fish juicy and tender right after being grilled. Another way to cook fish is to have them smoked with the use of seasoned wood chips. The smoke made by these chips would infuse the fish with a different but really pleasant flavor.


We all have tried crabs, lobsters and shrimps most likely boiled but most of us most likely have not tried having them cooked on top of the grill. When it comes to preparing these, you should be aware that one of the best ways of having them is to have them grilled. Grilling them gives a much different but very delicious flavor as compared to other ways of preparing crustaceans.

Grilling crustaceans is quite easy; some would even consider it easier to grill than fish. The firm meat keeps it whole all throughout the grilling process and unlike fish, crustaceans do not crumble or crack at the surface and fall into the grill. Since it is so, it is even a good item in the grill for beginners to start with.

Other Good Seafood

Other seafood such as squid, octopus and different shells are also great on the grill. However, you have to be careful in grilling squid and octopus since having them slightly overcooked would make them very chewy, tough and flavorless. But if you cook them right, it would be the exact opposite and would taste absolutely great.

Grilled seafood would also go well with other favorite items on the grill such as vegetables, poultry and beef. With grilled seafood, your days with your family on the grill are sure to be much better.

New Trends For Outdoor Grilling

The Magic Of Grilling

When it comes to dining, nothing could ever beat the many wonders we could cook up freshly on the grill. Not only do grilled foods taste good, but the bonding involved with it is also magical. Now that there are more things that we can do when grilling outdoors, every family barbecue is sure to be much more enjoyable.

When it comes to outdoor grilling, most of us would most likely think of the nice meats, veggies and fishes dad would grill on the backyard during special occasions. While those are very lovely indeed, there are a lot of new outdoor grilling recipe everyone with a barbecue should try doing. If the only outdoor grilling recipe you know is dads barbecue, then you are missing out on a lot as these recipes could also provide you with just the same amount of tasting pleasure.

New Grilling Sauces

The typical American barbecue would be meats with tomato bases sauces, veggies marinated in vinegar and oil or fishes grilled in with herbs. If your grilling vocabulary is limited to these then you should definitely try other new recipes. Nowadays, experts on the grill use all types of pleasant ingredients you could think about to make barbecue sauces some of them being strawberries, raspberries, yogurt, honey and even mustard.

While the typical methods of making items in the barbecue are still maintained up to now such as keeping the grill closed at times to seal in the flavor and moisture and moving items from high fire to low fire and pricking meats and chicken with a fork to see how moist it is inside, these methods are still considered by experts as the best ways of cooking in the grill. Everyone would want the items in the grill to be as juicy and flavorful as much as possible.

Keep Safe

Whenever on the grill, you must also be very aware of your safety. While most cases would only be a minor burn on our hand of which most of us who have been grilling for a while already have already experienced, you should be aware that millions are lost due to structure fires and outdoor fires caused by outdoor grills. Grilling involves a lot of fire and with that, you should be very aware of what it can cause you and your surroundings.

Make sure that kids do not go playing anywhere near the grill as well as the pets should also be kept away from the grill until it has fully cooled. Also remember that an outdoor grill should not be placed near objects that could easily catch fire such as the house itself, bushes, shrubs and trees to avoid any accidents regarding it. Also be careful in using starter fluid, make sure only to use this with charcoal grills and never with gas powered grills.

No Rules!

Just keep in mind that when grilling aside from safety measures there are practically no rules. Whatever produces the best tasting barbecue whatever the ingredients or items could be the best outdoor grilling recipes. While these new barbecue sauces can already be picked up from the shelves of your local grocery, it is also a lot of fun to make them yourselves.

Go ahead and experiment with whatever you can to make your outdoor grilling products as good and as enjoyable as possible.