Coffee Vending Machines

As early as the 1960’s coffee vending machines started to show up at airports, hotels, and many industrial plants around the world especially in the USA. The first coffee vending machines used all freeze dried ingredients and mixed them with water then added your selected amount of cream and sugar. There wasn’t a whole lot of selection. Today, fancy coffee vending machines can make you espresso, cappuccino, hot chocolate, soup, tea, and many variations of coffee.

Coffee vending machines are very useful for many reasons. You don’t need an employee to run them, you can put them anywhere, the ingredients aren’t too expensive, and they make quite a bit of money in a good location. Coffee vending machines can make from 100 to 600 cups of coffee before you are required to refill the cup dropper. This is what drops the cup down before the coffee or beverage of your choice is dispensed into it. The coffee vending machines usually use one size cup that is around 8 ounces. The cups are recyclable and quality made to simulate a cup you would receive at a coffee shop.

Many new coffee vending machines have a very stylish look as opposed to the big square boxes of the 80’s and 90’s. They don’t take up very much room, produce a high quality product, and can make the owner a nice amount of money every month.

Espresso and cappuccino are becoming more and more popular and thanks to places like Starbucks, more people like them and know what they want to order. Many of the newer coffee vending machines let you pick and choose what type of espresso and cappuccino you want. You can also get lattes and mochas of many varieties.

There are many ways you can purchase a coffee vending machine. Most machines will have a phone number or other information so you can call the manufacturer. The easiest way is to use the Internet. There are tons of companies that sell coffee vending machines and will offer you low payment plans and many other deals that you mind find appealing.

Coffee vending machines are a great way for someone who wants to make a little extra income without doing much work. When used in conjunction with pastry and soda machines, if you have a large amount of coverage, you might not need a full time job at all! This is also great for retired people who want a little extra money each month. Some of the newer machines cost about $1.00 for the ingredients per cup and will make you about $2.50. Of course, wherever you place them will demand a percentage but that can be easy to work out.

Coffee vending machines have been around for over 50 years and chances are they will continue to be refined and upgraded. This ensures the busy employee or traveler that they will always be able to grab a cup of coffee even if there aren’t people there to make it.

Coffee Makers in the Workplace

Many people have a coffee maker at work. This is a great idea because it lets employees and managers alike have something in common and lets everyone have a short break from work while they refresh their coffee mugs. Coffee makers are used in office buildings, manufacturing plants, and almost every type of business there is from fast food to convenience stores. The office coffee maker is a place everyone can go and chit chat for a few minutes similar to a water cooler.

The usual office coffee maker is of the automatic drip variety and makes about 12 cups at a time. The funny thing is, 12 cups from a coffee maker means about 5 ounces per cup. Nobody drinks that little so you might as well assume one pot will serve 6 people. For a busy workplace you may need a larger coffee maker to accommodate everyone and might even decide to use a coffee vending machine. If this is owned and operated by the company, they may lower the prices so they don’t make much profit. This will be made up with employee morale and productivity so it evens out.

Many people feel better and more alert after drinking coffee so naturally, a coffee maker in the workplace helps everyone. The caffeine in coffee is a stimulant and should help them feel that way. If your employee is alert, there is less chance of incomplete work and injuries as they should be paying more attention to the job at hand.

The type of coffee maker for the workplace will need to be discussed among all the coffee drinkers and if a fancy one is needed, everyone should help pay for it. A normal coffee maker costs between 10 to 40 dollars but fancy ones can be 60-90 dollars depending on the features. These higher priced coffee makers usually come with a foamer, grinder, or some other special feature that would cause the price to be so high. You may want to just get two cheaper ones as there is always someone who wants decaffeinated coffee and doesn’t like to mix the two types of coffee in one pot.

If you work in a large manufacturing plant or industrial building, chances are you will have to walk a long way to get a cup of coffee. Many of these workplaces use strategically placed break rooms that will have an assortment of vending machines. One of those may be a coffee vending machine or there might be a coffee maker on the counter for employees in your area to use. Make sure you have someone clean it before you clock out or management may take it away. I have seen this happen before.

With espresso and cappuccino becoming very popular, you might have one of these machines in your workplace. They cater to certain people usually but many come with a normal coffee pot on one side. This can help balance out two distinct tastes and make more employees happy.

Coffee Makers Are Big Business In the U.S.

The average American drinks at least 3 cups of coffee daily. The United States is a leading coffee consumer with Americans drinking an overall 400 million cups of coffee each year. It’s no wonder that coffee makers are one of the most sold products. The Cowboy Coffee Pot of the 1800’s has evolved into modern, sleek machines that cater to the appetites of eager coffee drinkers.

Coffee is big business. Some reports state that coffee sales are increasing 20 percent every year. Specialty coffee (cappuccino, latte, etc) accounts for at least 8 percent of all coffee sales.

Who’s Using Coffee Makers These Days?

The average American is said to drink an average of three cups of coffee daily. The average number of sales in a drive through coffee shop each day is 200 to 300 cups. More than 50,000 coffee shops are expected to be open by 2010.
52 percent of American adults drink coffee. This translates to more than 100 million people drinking coffee every day. That’s a lot of coffee makers. Women tend to drink coffee to relax while men tend to drink coffee when they’re trying to get something done.

When are the most coffee makers in use? 65% of adults drink coffee with breakfast. 30 percent of Americans drink coffee between meals and about 5% drink coffee with meals. 35 percent of coffee drinkers prefer their coffee black. 65% add sugar and/or cream to customize their coffee experience.

More than 18 billion dollars are on coffee each year in the United States. McDonalds is reported to take in $51 million each day just in coffee sales.

Americans are drinking more and more specialty coffees. Many are purchasing coffee makers that allow them to brew specialty coffees at home. Coffee maker manufacturers have risen to the occasion, creating increasingly sleek styled machines that brew great coffee quickly and easily. Pod coffee makers are used frequently by coffee lovers who want to indulge at home instead of driving to the coffee shop.

Pod Single Cup Coffee Maker

For coffee lovers who prefer a fresh cup of coffee each and every time, a single serving coffee maker is ideal. Basic single serving coffee makers can be purchased for less than a hundred dollars. High end single serving machines can cost hundreds.

Pod coffee makers use premeasured coffee pods to make 8 ounces or less of coffee in less than one minute. There is no hassle. Users simply fill the reservoir with water, drop a pod into the pod spot and push a button.
Some pod coffee makers feature adjustable spouts so that different sized mugs can be used with the machine. Larger water reservoirs are also an added feature on some machines.

Pod Coffee Makers quickly and easily brew a cup of coffee in less than a minute. Prefilled pods make cleanup a breeze. Removable parts are often dishwasher safe and limited warranties are provided by most manufacturers.

Coffee is an American tradition. Those who love the beverage take their coffee drinking seriously. The availability of coffee makers that allow users to make specialty coffee at home has tremendously increased the coffee drinking population.

Automatic Espresso Coffee Makers

Automatic espresso coffee makers are more expensive than many other coffee makers. They are prestigious as well as good coffee makers. They’re available in semi-automatic, fully-automatic and super automatic machines.

Semi-Automatic Espresso Coffee Makers

The distinction between semi, fully and super automatic lies in the automation process. Semi-automatic espresso coffee makers are very popular. The electric pump makes for consistently good coffee. Users put coffee and water into the machine. Pulling the electric pump turns the coffee maker on and off.

Semi-Automatic espresso coffee makers automatically:

>tamp down coffee grounds
>brew coffee
>fill coffee cup
>eject used grounds

Semi-automatic espresso coffee makers can be purchased for less than a thousand dollars.

Fully Automatic Espresso Coffee Makers

Fully automatic espresso coffee makers work like the semi-automatic machines but operate via the simple touch of a button.

Fully automatic espresso coffee makers automatically:

>grind coffee
>fill brewing chamber
>tamp down coffee grounds
>brew coffee
>fill coffee cup
>eject used grounds

Prices for fully automatic espresso coffee makers range from hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars.

Super Automatic Espresso Coffee Makers

Super automatic espresso coffee makers are the luxury version of coffee machines. In addition to the fully automated process, the super coffee maker comes with a built-in coffee grinder and other special features. These machines are fast, easy to use and easy to maintain. Most allow the user to brew any number of specialty coffees such as espresso, cappuccino and lattes.

Super automatic espresso coffee makers automatically:
>grind coffee
>fill brewing chamber
>tamp down coffee grounds
>brew coffee
>fill coffee cup
>eject used grounds into waste box

Users of fully automatic espresso coffee makers do not have to deal with grinding coffee beans or hot filters and cleaning sieves. Super machines include either a steam wand or an automatic system to froth milk. Competition between super automatic espresso coffee maker companies is fierce. Each is seeking to create the best loved, most versatile machine.

Some machines now feature automatic cleaning and descaling. Another special feature is the presence of water filters that reduce mineral content and get rid of the taste of chlorine. Adjustable coffee cup spouts and the ability to manually control water volume in a cup of coffee are also added features available on select machines.

Prices for super automatic espresso coffee makers run from hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars.

Popular Features of Automatic Espresso Coffee Makers

Features differ among brands and styles of automatic espresso coffee makers. Available features include the following.

Adjustable dosing.
In coffee, dose refers to the number of grams of coffee used in brewing a shot. Some espresso coffee makers allow users to adjust both number of grams and amount of water used.

Bean Grinder
Bean grinders are included on some units to automatically grind the necessary amount of coffee.

Brass Boiler:
Brass boilers offer greater durability and help retain warmth. Machines with brass boilers reheat faster and have less fluctuation in water temperature.

Bypass Doser
A bypass doser allows users to use a different blend of coffee than what is already in the machine grinder. Emptying the grinder isn’t necessary.

Cup Warmer.
Some units feature a cup warmer. Using a pre-warmed cup maintains the heat of the coffee for a longer period of time.

Milk frothing/foaming wand.
Cappuccino and latte drinkers need machines with a milk frothing/foaming wand. These aren’t available on all machines. Some of the more expensive coffee maker models feature milk reservoirs.

Pre-brewing pre-moistening.
Coffee is pre-moistened. This may provide for superior taste.

Removable Brew Group.
The brew group refers to where the brewing occurs. If these components can be removed, they’re easier to clean. Machines without removable components often have automatic cleaners.

Water Filter
Some high-end espresso coffee makers have water filters built in to eliminate chlorine, minerals and contaminants that affect taste. If filters are present, they do have to be changed regularly.