The Six Scottish Malt Regions

Scotland can be divided into six different malt making segments or regions; Islay, Campbeltown, speyside, Islands Lowlands and highlands. Each of these regions produce a different malt as the characteristics are different so too are the methods of distilling. Climate variations, raw materials, and production methods all play a roll in the differing of these malts.


This is a small island off the western coast of Scotland and is the site of many wonderful malt distilleries. They have many variations of malts however the most notable carry a tangy smoky peaty taste. The current number of running distilleries is at eight although at onetime there was said to be twenty-three, with the newest edition opened in 2005.


This mountainless and flat region is apparent by its name and is also in the most southern region of Scotland. This brew is contains less of the smoke, peat, and salt than most other malts coming from Scotland and it carries with it a mildly fiery yet smooth taste.


This is undoubtedly the center of the whiskey universe in Scotland. The Spey River runs directly through the area hence the name. A good majority of top distilleries use water from the river in their processes. Although some of the characteristics vary in speyside it is still a part of the Highland geographically speaking. Someone interested in trying a traditional Scottish malt for the first time would do well with this malt, as it is rich and relatively mild in taste.


The largest malt-producing region in Scotland is by far the Highlands. This brew is smoky and very rich. In comparison to malts from the lowlands, many of the different distilleries produce a different taste to their malts. This is caused by the varying microclimate differences. The use of many different raw materials and the inclusion of some changed production routines also contribute to these distinctions in taste


At one time Campbeltown was Scotlands prime distillery site. Twenty-one distilleries were active in and around 1886 however only three are currently in business. This region is still considered a separate malt state for the value of historians.


Arran, Orkney, Mull, Jura, and skye make up the body of islands that sometimes get confused with Islay. This is in fact an entirely separate region. Those whom have some experience drinking malts generally enjoy the malts from this region.

All You Need To Know About Whiskey

In meaning, whiskey translates to water of life. Whiskey originated from Scotland during the early 1400’s, and is very popular around the world today. Even today, whiskey tastes much like it did when it first began. Manufacturers of whiskey are strong on heritage, and therefore do all they can to capture the flavor that whiskey has always been known for.

For any occasion, whiskey is truly great. Whiskey is commonly used during weddings and ceremonies, and both the bride and groom will drink it to signify a relationship that will stand the test of time. The drink isnt only served with weddings, as it is also popular in bars and restaurants as well. Those wishing to signify friendship can also serve whisky as a gesture of wanting to be friends.

Whiskey also makes a great gift for friends, employees, and even executives. Around the office, whiskey is very popular. When someone has had a tough day at work, few things bring out the best like whiskey. It can help someone relax, and make them feel at ease. Drink enough of it however – and you will feel as if you are king of the world!

Although it has many uses, one of the best is ice cubes. If you combine whiskey with ice cubes, the combination is truly inspiring. People often refer to it as whiskey on the rocks, as it is very commonly served in bars and restaurants. Whiskey on the rocks is also refreshing, as the ice cubes help to take some of the bite away from the otherwise strong and potent drink.

There are several variations of whiskey as well. Scottish whiskey, Jack Daniels, and Wild Turkey are among the most popular. Scottish whiskey is very popular in different parts of the world, while Jack Daniels is the preferred brand of whiskey in the United States. Jack is served at many bars and restaurants, and provides a great mixed drink if you pair it with Coke.

If youre looking to buy some whiskey for your home, youll never have to worry about having trouble finding it. ABC stores are the best source, although if you live in a state such as California you can find it at your local grocery or department store. Whiskey is one of the best selling forms of hard liquor, with thousands of people around the world drinking it quite frequently.

Easy to find and easy to use, whiskey is easily one of the best types of alcohol that you can buy. You can use it at parties or socials, or just keep it for yourself. Whiskey is also great the body, if you drink a shot of it a day. With various ways to be used and a bold crisp flavor – whiskey is something that you can never go wrong with.

The Great Debate: Single Malt vs. Blended

Many people get confused and the difference between single malt and blended scotch. The blended variety consists of approximately fifty different grains, and single malts, sent from many different producers. The term single malt refers to one single distiller, and therefore what is produced, is indeed not the product of blending.

They say that every 50 years is the leveling out point on scotch, as it will no longer get better with age. Prior to that point it is like wine and will continue to produce a better taste. The differences in many of the distillers of fine scotch in Scotland can be very noticeable, as the geography lends to different techniques.

Each region of the Scottish territory yields a different product due to varying methods of development. Many methods can be employed, right down to the grains and water used. Some distilling companies even use certain peat mosses on the grains for added flavor.

One would assume you must try them all, to consider yourself a true aficionado.

The First Bottle: History of Scotch

Scotch is one of the most consumed alcoholic beverages of all time, after all it has been around for hundred of years however, little thought is usually given to the actual origin of this popular drink. As the name suggests, Scotch was originally produced in Scotland by Friar John Cor. After distillation was introduced by Scottish monks in 1494, fine scotch became a popular drink.

To the dismay of Scotch and other whiskey drinkers, whiskey was first taxed in 1644. This caused a rise in the number of what we would today call bootleggers who made and sold Scotch whiskey illegally. Later in 1823, the Scottish Parliament made it easier for one to own a licensed distillery and harder for illegal whiskey stills to stay in business. This began the modern production of Scotch whiskey.

Today, fine scotch whiskey production is much more technologically advanced: It has to be in order to keep up with the demand for this popular drink. However, you wont find fine Scotch made here in the U.S, in order to adorn the name Scotch the whiskey must be distilled and matured in Scotland.

Scotch Whisky: On top of the world.

In terms of export, Scotch whisky amasses approximately 90% of all export sales combined in England and is a principle export commodity. This income is in great part foreign currency. This trend has been followed since the turn of the 19-century as the value of overseas marketing was discovered.

Between 15-20% of all scotch whisky consumed in Scotland is first purchased in Britain. Although the reason for this is unknown, they do not dwell on it since their Scotch seems to be more popular in other countries. This is proven by the fact that scotch whisky is within the top five export earners and makes a considerable profit while making very large contributions to Britains foreign exchange.

Approximately 200 markets are in the exchange for Scotch whisky with the European Union being in the forefront vying for top spot with the United States, Japan and other Asian markets following suit. The European Union is accountable for at least 50% of all Scotch whisky sales with the other countries rounding up another 40% or so.

A nine-year sales projection is in reserve of scotch stock maturing or already matured. In 1996 the stock of matured scotch was sitting at 2,741 million liters up a tenfold from 1945 at 247 million liters. The stock was higher in 1939 at 374 million liters. Obviously the Scotch whiskey market is predicted to grow based on the amount of maturing stock.

It is a difficult trade dealing in stocks with a scotch manufacturer as they sit and wait on maturing product, they cannot accurately gather information on what the market years down the road will be for their product. This is a commercial problem. The most significant undertaking is the capital investment of maturing stock.

There is a very small portion of fine scotch that actually makes it out of Scotland and into other countries. Matured whiskies as well as fresh fillings are an enticing profit grabber; however the time it takes for this product to turn over and give way to said profit makes this a risky endeavor. It is very hard to determine whether or not the products value will hold in the future.

In closing the value of these companys finely distilled products is not likely to lose appeal any time soon, although one never knows what the future will bring. For Scotch lovers, another drink is always in their futures.