Homebrew Recipes – Creating Your Own Homebrew Recipes

Home brewing is an endeavor that is growing rapidly in popularity for numerous reasons including the availability of unique homebrew recipes and the reasons listed here:

* Home brewing is fun and enjoyable,

* Home brewing offers good tasting alternatives to commercial beers

* Home brewing can save you money if you buy a lot of beer.

During this financial crisis that everyone seems to be going through, it is especially useful to consider home brewing, because homebrew recipes are simple and straight forward to come by. Anyone can create their own homebrew recipes and share them with other people, so not only can you create your own homebrew recipes, but you can also use the successful recipes of others to create some truly stunning home brews quickly as well as easily.

There are homebrew recipes available for nearly every type of beer out there. Once you know what your personal favorite type of beer is, you can find homebrew recipes that correspond well with it, and start brewing. There are homebrew recipes to make different styles of beers, darker beers and lighter beers, hoppy beers, flavored beers an the list goes on and on. It does not matter what your favorite style or flavor is, as there are plenty of homebrew recipes to match.

There are also homebrew recipes intended for beginning home brewers just as well as recipes intended for experts at the home brewing endeavor. Some homebrew recipes are designed to be extremely cut and dry with little room for creativity, while others can be tweaked to your liking quickly and easily as well. No matter what it is that you prefer, there are recipes for the home brewing endeavor that you can adapt accordingly to make sure that you get the most possible reward and enjoyment out of the hobby.

Many people love developing homebrew recipes so much that they turn their home brewing hobby into a full fledged business, and many people end up quite successful. This is because everyone has a unique taste for different beers and as a result, there is always a market of thirsty beer drinkers that are looking for something new or the next big thing in beer recipes. You can definitely tap into this market by creating your own homebrew recipes and selling your beer in your local area or beyond. What are you waiting for,

Don’t be afraid to adapt different homebrew recipes as you go, learning to tweak your recipes and come up with your own results. You should never rip off someone else’s homebrew recipes, but you can use their recipes to develop your own in return. The more you tweak and try when home brewing, the more unique your recipe will end up being until you have something truly extraordinary to offer the world of home brewing. This is the way to get started in home brewing, as well as the way to become truly successful in this endeavor.

Detox Diet: Juice Fasting Recipes

Juice fasting is gaining popularity as a great way to detoxify. Many people are interested in getting toxins out of their system so they can live a healthier life. When toxins accumulate in the body, they feel sluggish and also have a poor immune system. Juice fasting, as a cleansing method, can help to people to achieve better health and more energy. It is quite easy to do as fruits are readily obtainable and all that is required additionally is a juicer.

For a beginner to juice fasting, it is important to start out slow and to try it out for one day. By juice fasting, you are limiting your intake to juices only. Fruit juice is high in sugar, so if you are a diabetic or otherwise in need of monitoring your sugar intake you should be cautious of trying a juice fast with fruit juices. Anyone just starting out with fasting should always speak with their doctor first. Also, do not juice fast for prolonged periods like more than 3 days, not unless your doctor agrees that it is safe for you to do so.

The following are sample recipes that can help give you an idea of combinations of fruits and vegetables to use together:

Recipe 1: Vegetable Juice Combo

2 Swiss chard leaves

1/2 beetroot

2 or 3 sprigs of watercress

3 carrots

1 celery stalk

Wash with filtered or distilled water, cut and put in juicer.

Recipe 2: Carrot-Apple Juice

2-3 Green Apples

1 carrot

Fresh basil leaves

Wash with filtered or distilled water, cut and put in juicer.

Recipe 3: Carrot-Vegetable Juice

A handful of dandelion leaves

1 kale leaf

4 carrots

Fresh mint, basil or coriander leaves

Wash with filtered or distilled water, cut and put in juicer.

Recipe 4: Peach Juice

2 or 3 peaches

Wash with filtered or distilled water, cut and put in juicer.

There are many different types of juice fasts. Some diets call for fruit juices while others used less sugary vegetable juices. You can always come up with your own unique combination of fruit and vegetable juice diet recipes.

Why Ice Cream Is Important

Fewer food products have had such a wide range of appeal, and such a longstanding appeal, as ice cream. The popularity of ice cream has withstood the test of time, being a greatly-loved treat from generation to generation. The enjoyment of ice cream knows no barriers of age, class, gender, or any of the other factors which often divide and separate people. Ice cream is truly a universal delight almost everyone loves it!

Ice cream itself is not specifically designated as one of the Four Basic Food Groups. While some people, albeit humorously, believe that it should be, ice cream merely takes its place amongst the Dairy Group. The result is that it can then get lost amidst the more basic dairy products, such as plain milk and plain cheese, while there is nothing at all plain about ice cream!

Humor aside, ice cream’s place in the food groups is very important, for standard ice cream and its many variations is a very healthy food. Although there are a number of factors to consider in selecting and consuming ice cream, categorizing it along with the other food products in the Dairy Group is wise, for even just the factor of its high calcium content makes ice cream a product which is beneficial to most people’s everyday diets.

Ice cream also has a “community” aspect on a number of different levels. On one of the most personal and memorable ends of the scale, ice cream is a favorite addition to a family dinner. For the many whose meals are not complete without a dessert, family members will certainly state that ice cream is at or at least near the top of their list of favorites.

On the other end of the scale are the larger, community events which include ice cream. Some, for that matter, such as the ice cream socials which are popular in parts of the United States, place the sharing of ice cream as the main focus. Sharing ice cream and interacting with friends and neighbors thus becomes synonymous.

For children and adults alike, ice cream can be a special treat. Whether ice cream is a standard part of everyday life or not, it can also be more meaningful and memorable. Ice cream can be a major part of a party, it can be a reward to yourself or your child for a job or task done well, and in the excessive heat of summer weather it can be a delightful and refreshing way to cool off. There is something that is not exactly describable in terms other than “very good” about being able to walk into your favorite ice cream shop on a hot summer day and treat yourself to a double-scoop ice cream cone.

Many people also choose ice cream as a favorite “comfort food.” Ice cream is a great way to boost one’s mood when life is at less than its best. Whether one’s preference is to dig into a half-gallon container from one’s freezer, or to go to a local ice cream shop and order something “with everything on it,” there is no comparison to the mood-elevating effects of ice cream.

Ice cream is also one of the basics for simple relaxation. After a long, hard day at work, it is a very positive thing indeed to be able to enjoy a bowl of your favorite ice cream while relaxing in your own home in front of the television set or while reading a good book.

In all of these situations and others, ice cream adds to the enjoyment of everyday situations, and makes what would otherwise be ordinary, to be even better!

Mixed Drinks Upsetting for Distillers

Although some Scots are softening up in regards to their traditional dram, we cannot say all of them are. Some are indeed abusively screaming and kicking, with regard to how their fine brew is handled.

The idea of mixing a fine scotch in a fancy drink at the bar seems preposterous. This notion is dubbed an act of kindness, yet not too kind to the distillers that have toiled to bring us such a wonderful product.

Scotch is a wonderful brew that hit the mainstream of the U.S. in the early 1990s. Several have considered this type of drink as a personality definer, causing it to grow quickly in popularity. Through Scotch as a drink was also a growing interest in it as a single malt treat. However, there are many different variations that have hit the market in order to please every palette.

It has been said that scotch is a nasty old bugger who is drank alone or with one or two close friends and not in the spirit of socializing. However the distillers, and aficionados alike tend to disagree. They feel that the time spent with friends and family, should indeed include the sipping of a fine scotch, for pleasure and conversation alike.

10-12: Scotch is Getting Younger.

The notion that all scotch must be at least 12 years to be enjoyed is a common understanding among scotch drinkers everywhere. However, one company is out to prove them wrong. This scotch is just two years shy of the twelve year mark, but is growing in popularity.

Enter Glenkinchie; this ten year old malt is 86 proof and a very pale gold in color. It has a reminiscent fragrance of peat and a grassy meadow that ends rather sweet. Its body is light to medium, it is considered to be well-rounded lowland malt. In the end it stays dry, and carries a hint if ginger.

Originally formed in 1837 by a farmer, this malt clearly has some history. The original owner of the distillery sold it to another farmer who used the distillery as a cattle shed and sawmill. This property was again sold in 1880 and returned back to its natural intention to make fine malt just in time for the whiskey boom in the 1890s.

This single malt will be enjoyed by the new and revered by the old single malt enthusiasts.