Detox Diet: Juice Fasting Recipes

Juice fasting is gaining popularity as a great way to detoxify. Many people are interested in getting toxins out of their system so they can live a healthier life. When toxins accumulate in the body, they feel sluggish and also have a poor immune system. Juice fasting, as a cleansing method, can help to people to achieve better health and more energy. It is quite easy to do as fruits are readily obtainable and all that is required additionally is a juicer.

For a beginner to juice fasting, it is important to start out slow and to try it out for one day. By juice fasting, you are limiting your intake to juices only. Fruit juice is high in sugar, so if you are a diabetic or otherwise in need of monitoring your sugar intake you should be cautious of trying a juice fast with fruit juices. Anyone just starting out with fasting should always speak with their doctor first. Also, do not juice fast for prolonged periods like more than 3 days, not unless your doctor agrees that it is safe for you to do so.

The following are sample recipes that can help give you an idea of combinations of fruits and vegetables to use together:

Recipe 1: Vegetable Juice Combo

2 Swiss chard leaves

1/2 beetroot

2 or 3 sprigs of watercress

3 carrots

1 celery stalk

Wash with filtered or distilled water, cut and put in juicer.

Recipe 2: Carrot-Apple Juice

2-3 Green Apples

1 carrot

Fresh basil leaves

Wash with filtered or distilled water, cut and put in juicer.

Recipe 3: Carrot-Vegetable Juice

A handful of dandelion leaves

1 kale leaf

4 carrots

Fresh mint, basil or coriander leaves

Wash with filtered or distilled water, cut and put in juicer.

Recipe 4: Peach Juice

2 or 3 peaches

Wash with filtered or distilled water, cut and put in juicer.

There are many different types of juice fasts. Some diets call for fruit juices while others used less sugary vegetable juices. You can always come up with your own unique combination of fruit and vegetable juice diet recipes.

Why They Say Chocolate Has Health Benefits

Does chocolate have health benefits at all? Few studies and researches made not too long ago suggested it has. In fact, a lot of chemicals containing chocolate were found to be beneficial to the people’s health. So, it does contradict the old myth and half-truths surrounding the saying that anything that looks and tastes good is bad.

The health benefits are particularly true to cocoa, dark chocolate, and minimally-processed chocolate foods. Aside from the copper and magnesium, which aids in regulating blood pressure and heartbeat, they contain flavonoids, the ones that you also found in high-antioxidant green tea. As you probably know it already, antioxidants are good for the health as they accomplish a number of health benefits, such as the following:

-Improve circulation
-Lower blood pressure
-Stimulate kidneys, improve digestion
-Can help patients with poor appetite, kidney stones, and anemia
-Improve endothelial functions
-Guard against free radicals and other destructive molecules, which are known to trigger stroke and heart disease.
-Lower heart disease-related deaths

Flavonoids have two different kinds, the epicatechins and catechin. The catechin has been found to be rich in minimally processed chocolate foods and cocoa. This is known to aid in preventing heart disease illnesses and possibly cancer problems. It is also aid to boosting an individual’s immune system, this one also was recently discovered by the experts. Catechins can be found triple in amount in chocolates as compared to those found in teas.

But despite the discovered health benefits of chocolate, you have to be cautious at what type and amount of chocolate food you consume. As anything excessive can be bad to health, and that applies to chocolate too. Eating high quantities of chocolate can still cause weight and eventually trigger illness especially if you consume the less healthy type of chocolate.

In order to avoid the unpleasant consequences, you have to choose the right type of chocolate when consuming as not all kinds are good. For example, highly-processed chocolate food kind such as those in candy and bar forms have high calories, sugar, and fat contents, therefore, must be avoided at all cost. Healthy kinds are dark chocolate, cocoa, and any other minimally-processed chocolate food.

This is in relation to studies demonstrating possible effects by eating chocolates done by the experts to groups of participants. In a particular study, half of the group ate dark chocolate while the other white chocolate. One ones who ate white chocolate, showed no change in blood pressure, while the other who ate dark chocolate, significantly lowered their systolic blood pressure.

At another conducted Pennsylvania State University study,a different group of participants received low fat diet, except that the half got high-carb snack and the other consumed low fat chocolate bar for a certain length of time. The two split groups didn’t show difference in levels of bad or LDL cholesterol afterwards. However, those that ate chocolate bars did show increase in triglycerides, a type of heart-risk blood fat, and good or HDL cholesterols.

From these studies, it showed how chocolate can actually be a good diet food. However, note that the participants were only fed in minimal quantities of chocolates, therefore it is still not advised to consume this sweet treat more than what is required for you to take. Also, remember to avoid chocolate foods that are high in artificial flavorings, with dairy products, and sugars. Remember this: the less that it is processed, the more that health benefits you will get from chocolate.

Dog’s with a Food Allergy: Treating and Managing Your Dog’s

Dog’s with a Food Allergy: Treating and Managing Your Dog’s Allergy

Food allergy is one of the most common diseases in today’s society. You have to consider that allergies can cause discomfort in your daily activities and you will not be able to do your daily activities properly. However, you have to consider that your dog too can experience food allergies.

You have to consider the fact your dog too can have food allergies. This is why you should also monitor your pet because allergies can cause severe discomfort in your dog and in severe cases, it can be life threatening. It is very important that you should be aware of the signs and symptoms of dog allergies as it can be hard to detect. You have to remember that your dog cannot talk and cannot tell you what they are feeling. So, it is important to remember that you should know how to detect dog allergies in order for you to manage it properly and know how to effectively treat them.

Dogs today eat a variety of processed foods and food allergy is the third most common causes of allergies in dog. As with the human allergy, the dog’s immune system also overreacts to a certain kind of food that will trigger their immune system to release histamines to fight of the invader. You have to consider that the so-called invader is usually harmless to dogs and the immune system overreacts to it and mistakes it as harmful.

If your dog is suffering from an allergy attack, you will see that they have itching in several parts of the body. They will experience itching in the face, foot, limb, belly and they will also experience recurrent ear infections. You will also see that they will not be as active as usual, will refuse to eat and will vomit.

One of the main causes of food allergies is staring at you in the face. The dog foods available today that can be brought from several pet stores contains junk ingredients that can cause allergic reaction to your dogs. The proteins found in beef, chicken, chicken eggs, wheat and dairy products are the most common causes of allergies in dogs. As you can see, the ingredients mentioned are also the most common ingredients found in dog food. It is important that you should try switching your dog’s diet in order to determine what kind of food that is causing the allergy.

It is also important that you should take your dog to the vet in order to perform a series of physical examination that will determine what kind of ingredient in dog foods that contains ingredients that causes the allergies. Once the allergen is identified, the vet will recommend that your dog should change diet from regular dog food that contains allergens to hypoallergenic dog food. Although hypoallergenic dog foods can cost quite higher than regular and popular dog foods available in the market, you can be sure that your dog will always be in shape and will always live a happy life.

You can also choose homemade diets but you have to remember that the vitamins and minerals should be carefully balanced in order to provide the adequate nourishment your dog needs. Your veterinarian will be able to provide you with a diet plan for your dog.

With proper management and proper treatment, your dog will be able to live a happier life and will minimize the risk of allergy attacks.

Common Food Allergy: Effectively Managing Food Allergies

It is a fact that you have to eat food everyday in order to give your body the nourishment it needs in order for it to function on its daily tasks. Obviously, food is what fuels your body to go on living. However, there are cases where food can also cause illness that you have to avoid.

Today, there are cases where people are allergic to certain kinds of food. In order to properly manage it, you have to consider that you will need to be aware of the food that you are allergic from and also to avoid food that contains certain kinds of allergens that your body will react to.

It is very important that you should know how to effectively manage your diet especially if you are allergic to certain kinds of food as allergy attacks can be very uncomfortable and can affect the normal functions in your daily life. In severe cases, allergy attacks may need you to be hospitalized as it can cause swelling in your air passages that will not allow you get any oxygen in your lungs and suffocate to death.

First of all, allergy attacks are triggered by the allergens found in allergen-containing foods. Normally, these allergens are considered to be harmless. However, once it enters the body of a person with allergic reaction to specific allergens, the immune system overreacts and tries to destroy the foreign object that made its way to the body. During this process, the body reacts by showing signs of swelling to different parts of the body, skin rashes, redness and increase in temperature, itching, shortness of breath and wheezing,

As you can see, allergic reactions of your body can be very uncomfortable and will severely affect your daily activities. This is why you have to be aware of the foods you eat and know what kind of food you are allergic from.

Usually, the most common food allergies that the body reacts to are peanuts, shellfish, milk, fish, wheat and soy. If you are not sure what food allergens you are allergic to, you have to visit your physician or an allergist. They will give you a series of tests that will enable you to identify what kind of food you are allergic from. With this kind of information, you will be able to manage your allergy effectively and prevent any future attacks.

Here are some ways you can prevent allergy attacks. Firstly and obviously, you have to avoid foods that contain food allergens that your body reacts to. This means that you should never eat food that you are allergic to and never cook food with an ingredient that contains the food allergens.

If you are out dining in a restaurant, you should inform the waiter or waitress about your food allergy and ask him or her which food contains the food allergen you are allergic from. If you really want to eat foods that contain the allergens, you have to inform the waiter or waitress to not include the ingredient (milk, peanuts, tree nuts, egg) that you are allergic from.

If you accidentally ingested the food-containing allergen, it is very important that you should immediately take anti-histamine medications. This is why you have to take anti-histamine medication wherever you go in case you accidentally ate food that contains an ingredient that you are allergic from.

These are some of the common food allergens that you should know about in order to properly manage it and minimize the risk of future allergy attacks that can lead to severe discomfort and in severe cases, death.

Managing Your Child’s Food Allergies Effectively

Allergy is one of the most common diseases existing in society today. There are millions of people suffering from allergies and about 6 percent of the population suffering from allergy is children and infants. You have to consider that this kind of disease can affect anyone at anytime. Once your immune system overreacts to a foreign object that is usually harmless and releases histamines, allergy symptoms can occur.

You have to consider that as a parent, your baby is one of the most important persons in the world. You feed them, you give them clothes and you provide them with shelter and care. This is why you should be aware if your baby has food allergies as it can cause severe discomfort to them and in severe cases, it can cause death.

As a parent, you have to be aware of your child’s health and because allergies are very common nowadays, you have to take the necessary measures in order to properly manage it and prevent your child from experiencing discomfort because of allergy attacks. Some foods are the main causes of allergies. If you are giving your child solid foods for the first time, you have to be absolutely certain that the food you are giving them will not cause an allergic reaction.

First of all, you have to know how allergy works in order for you to properly manage it and detect it as early as possible in order for you to manage it properly. When your child ate food that his or her body is allergic to, the body will first produce antibodies called IgE. After your child ingested the same food again, the IgE will tell the immune system to produce histamines to fight of the allergens. You have to consider that the allergens are usually harmless but the immune system of your child will mistake it as being harmful and attacks it. Because of the attack on the invader, the body will produce signs and symptoms of allergy after a few minutes of ingesting the food or after about two hours of ingesting the food.

The symptoms of allergy can be mild or severe. On the mild symptoms, your child will experience mild discomfort as swelling of the skin, mouth, ears and tongue. You will also see rashes on the skin that can be itchy. The child may also experience difficulty in breathing as well. In severe cases, your baby may vomit or can have diarrhea. It is very important for you to know that severe allergic reaction can be life threatening.

If a member of your family is allergic to specific kinds of food, your child may also inherit the allergy. Although there are cases where your child can eat the food with no problem at all, you will soon notice that your baby may develop the signs and symptoms after a few times of eating the same food. Here are some of the foods that your child may likely develop allergies to:

Tree nuts

If your baby is showing signs and symptoms of allergy, you should immediately call your local emergency number as soon as you notice the signs and symptoms. You have to consider the fact that this situation can be life threatening and can cause severe discomfort for your child.

Always remember that early detection leads to proper management and care. The baby’s pediatrician will prepare an action plan for properly managing the allergy attack and will also provide medications to treat allergies.