How Ice Cream Is Made

Whether ice cream is produced in large quantities for nationwide distribution, or in small amounts to be used by one’s family and friends, there are a number of ways by which ice cream can be made. While top-selling ice cream companies and individuals have some similarities and some differences in their means of production, everyone who makes ice cream has one main point in common: to turn out a great-tasting product of the finest quality.

For individuals who wish to make their own ice cream, there are a couple of methods of doing so. One of the best parts of home-made ice cream is that the process of making it can be as enjoyable as eating the result! In addition, when making your own ice cream, you can be as creative as your imagination and taste-buds will allow you to be. There are virtually no limits to the flavorings and extra tidbits you can add when you make your own. You can try the absolute basic recipes, or you can let your creativity run wild with chocolate sprinkles, nuts, coconut flakes, and many other possibilities.

One of the most important ingredients in making homemade ice cream is rock salt. The purpose of this salt is to freeze the ice cream mixture as rapidly as possible, ensuring that it will retain its creamy texture and consistency. There are three basic containers in which you can make your ice cream. The most efficient are the two types of ice cream makers there is a manual, hand-crank style, and an electric version. The Cuisinart brand offers an excellent style of electric ice cream maker, which not only makes ice cream but also frozen yogurt and sorbet, at a very reasonable price. If you want to make ice cream at a campsite, or other location where electricity is not readily available, a non-electric style may be more to your liking. These manual, hand-cranked ice cream makers are also cost-efficient, and are sold by companies such as White Mountain.

A favored method of making ice cream amongst youngster is that of making it in plastic bags. Although it can become a bit messy, children will love the process of filling zip-lock plastic bags with milk, sugar, rock salt, and a variety of flavorings or small confections. They will also enjoy eating the finished product that they have created all by themselves or with a little help! The key to making good homemade ice cream in plastic bags is being sure the rock salt is used correctly, so that your ice cream will freeze properly and keep its best texture.

The commercial ice cream companies have their own processes of making ice cream. One of the most best-loved companies has an interesting process by which condensed milk and cream become the boxed treats you will find in your grocery stores. In the first stage of the process, the ingredients of the sweet cream base are put into a blend tank for the mixing and straining part of the process. Next, the mixture goes into the pasteurizer, heating the mixture to 183 degrees to kill any bacteria which may be present. The homogenization part of the process then mixes the cream into the milk to prevent separation and provide the best consistency of the ice cream. The mixture is then allowed to chill in a cooling tank for at least four hours, thus enhancing its consistency and flavor. Afterward, the mixture is transferred to flavoring vats, and to the freezer. In addition to freezing the mixture, the freezer also adds air to the mixture, producing an even better consistency of the product. The next stop which the ice cream mixture makes is the variegater, which adds chocolate fudge or other flavored swirls, and the chambers of the fruit feeder.

After the mixing stages are complete, the ice cream is ready to be put into pint containers by the automatic filler. It is then transferred to the spiral hardener to lower its temperature to zero degrees. The finished product is then bundled for shipping to your local grocery store.

Whether you decide to make your own ice cream, or prefer Ben and Jerry’s to do the work, the final result is worth both the effort and the price.

How Ice Cream Is Made

The hand crank ice cream maker or freezer was invented in 1846 by Nancy Johnson. In 1848 a similar ice cream freezer, the Johnson Patent Ice-Cream Freezer was patented. By 1850 ice cream had become a popular treat. It wasn’t until 1851 that Jacob Fussell’s Baltimore Company began to manufacture and market ice cream commercially.

At some point in time someone figured out that using salt mixed with the ice would lower the temperature of the ingredients and that the wooden freezer bucket and paddles would open the way for the larger-scale manufacture of ice cream. Today, ice cream is still made using the basic method of the hand-crank ice cream freezer.
With nearly two billion gallons of ice cream and other frozen desserts produced in the United States yearly, there is a need for regulation. This need is met by the International Ice Cream Association. The IICA works to regulate the manufacturing and distribution of ice cream. The organization was founded in 1900 and does market research and regulatory and legislative advocacy.

Along with regulations in producing and marketing ice cream, manufacturers are doing their best to make ice cream healthier. Unfortunately, there is a lot of butterfat and calories in ice cream which, in excess, will cause problems with obesity and other weight-related illnesses.

The fat in ice cream is needed to make the texture smooth. Fat is also what makes the ice cream taste good. Low-fat ice cream does not hold the flavor the way regular ice cream does. Regular ice cream is 10 to 20 percent butterfat and 60 to 62 percent water. To qualify as true ice cream there has to be at least 10 percent fat in the ingredients. With less than 10 percent butterfat, there is more percentage of water which makes the ice cream more like tasteless ice.

Sugar is another ingredient in ice cream that helps keep the creamy mixture smooth and soft by lowering its freezing temperature. Without sugar, or other forms of sweetener, the ice cream would freeze rock solid. Sugar also makes the ice cream taste better. Sweeteners can be regular cane sugar, honey, corn sweeteners or beet sugar. Plant derivatives are stabilizers that also help keep the ice cream smooth and keep it from developing ice crystals. Mono-triglycerides and lecithin are emulsifiers that are used to aid in keeping the smooth whipped texture of the ice cream during and after freezing.

When the ingredients have been mixed in a tank, it is then pasteurized. The pasteurization process involves heating the mixture to a required temperature. Homogenization occurs next where the milk fat is broken down so that the ice cream mixture will be creamy and smooth. It is then quickly cooled to 40 degrees F and then frozen. The ice cream is frozen one batch at a time using the continuous freezer method that has evolved from the method used in the first ice-cream freezers from the 1800’s.

The paddles used in those early freezers may have been precursors to the dasher blades that are used today to keep the ice cream from being solidified. These dashers aerate the ice cream so that it will not weigh more the 4.5 pounds per gallon as required under federal regulations.

After the ice cream leaves the freezer, any chunky ingredients like candy or fruit are added to the mixture before it is packaged. The last step is sending the ice cream to sub-zero temperatures in the hardening room where it is stored until it is shipped and finally ends up in your freezer.

History of Ice Cream

Ice cream has evolved throughout a history that goes back over 2000 years to around 200 B.C. Folk lore has it that in the 1st Century, Nero, the fifth and last Roman Emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty (A.D. 37 – 68), ordered his slaves to go up in the mountains and bring back ice which was used to make an iced mixture with fruit.

Another form of ice cream was made by King Tang of China (A. D. 618-97). He combined ice and milk. From China ice cream was brought to Europe when, in the 1200’s Marco Polo had brought an ice cream sorbet recipe back with him to Europe from the Far East. The recipe called for the ingredients snow and milk.

Ice cream was later imported from Europe to the United States where it was served by Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to their guests. Historians say that George Washington really loved his ice cream and ate lots of it.

In New York City, in 1776, the first ice cream parlor was opened. The word ice cream was started by the American Colonists. They first called it “iced” cream and it was later shortened to “ice” cream.

When First Lady Dolly Madison was in the white house from 1809 to 1817, she served ice cream to guests.

The hand crank ice cream maker or freezer was invented in 1846 by Nancy Johnson. Today, ice cream is still made using the basic method of the hand-crank ice cream freezer. In 1848 a similar ice cream freezer, the Johnson Patent Ice-Cream Freezer was patented. By 1850 ice cream had become a popular treat. It wasn’t until 1851 that Jacob Fussell’s Baltimore Company began to manufacture and market ice cream commercially.

At some point in time someone figured out that using salt mixed with the ice would lower the temperature of the ingredients and that the wooden freezer bucket and paddles would open the way for the larger-scale manufacture of ice cream.

It was a long time before an ice cream mold and scooper was patented. The ice cream scoop was patented by Alfred Cralle in 1897.

The ice cream cone was invented in St. Louis, Missouri in 1904 when on July 23 Charles E. Minches thought of making a pastry cone and filled it with two ice cream scoops. The ice cream cone first appeared at the St. Louis World’s Fair later in the year where, historians believe, there were more than 50 ice cream cone vendors. Historians also believe that the ice cream cone had actually been invented by many people, all at around the same time.

In 1926 Clarence Vogt came up with a process of continuously freezing ice cream for the commercial manufacturing of ice cream. By the 1930’s ice cream had a huge increase in popularity and many flavors of ice cream and sherbets had become available. By the 20th Century many flavors of ice cream were being sold on a large scale in grocery stores, supermarkets and ice-cream franchises.

Ice cream has been around for over 2000 years and isn’t likely to go away very soon. With such longevity, perhaps it will be around for another 2000 years.

Good News: Ice Cream Has Health Benefits!

Amongst the majority of people who are diet-conscience and health-conscious, ice cream has a bad reputation. Not only is this reputation undeserved in general, but the fact is ice cream actually has many health benefits, of which most people are not aware.

Ice cream can be a very positive addition to your diet, especially if you are struggling with weight loss. Studies are now showing that a calcium-rich diet greatly assists in taking off unwanted pounds, and, equally important, keeping them off after you have attained your desired weight. Although one may be tempted to rely on calcium supplements, getting your daily supply of calcium is best when it is achieved with foods which are rich in calcium.

In addition to helping lose extra pounds, ice cream will also aid in shedding body fat while keeping the body lean. If one is interested in the scientific aspect of how calcium intake is related to weight, the lack of sufficient calcium in the daily diet causes fat-producing hormones to be released. Each serving of standard ice cream will provide approximately eight percent of one’s daily calcium needs.

Incorporating some ice cream into your food plans can also help you lower and regulate your blood pressure. The relationship between blood pressure and the natural form of calcium which is found in ice cream is that a regular intake of natural calcium in the diet will prevent high calcitriol levels, thus preventing the constriction of the walls of the small arteries. Eaten in moderation, ice cream will assist in this very important health benefit.

It has recently been proven that the calcium intake from ice cream will also lower your risk of colon cancer. Although the exact correlation has not yet been determined, research suggests that the manner in which calcium assists in inactivating the bile salts may be the factor. Calcium is also associated with lowering the risk of breast cancer.

The calcium found in ice cream also helps the health of bones and teeth. In making the bones stronger and more dense, it is directly related to preventing osteoporosis, which affects many people in later life. As one of the main risks associated with osteoporosis are bone fractures, which can be quite serious in the elderly, a calcium-rich diet in one’s younger years will greatly reduce this risk.

Many physicians are now recommending a daily intake of 1,200 mg of calcium as a treatment for PMS. Women who have tried this regimen have reported in the annoying symptoms associated with PMS. As up to twenty percent of all women are regularly distressed by symptoms such as bloating and mood swings, many should be glad to learn that they can decrease the risk of these symptoms by up to fifty percent simply by electing to have a diet which is rich in calcium.

Although it contradicts the previously-established practice of limiting the intake of calcium in those who have suffered from kidney stones, one of the most recent, longterm studies has shown that a diet which is high in calcium is a good safeguard against recurrent kidney stones.

Although most women are aware of the need for additional calcium-rich foods during pregnancy for the sake of their developing baby’s health, it is generally not as well-known that calcium also greatly reduces the risk of both pregnancy-induced hypertension and premature births.

While people who have preexisting medical conditions should not significantly alter their diets without first consulting their physician, it has been established that for most people a diet which is rich in calcium products, such as ice cream, will have numerous health benefits and learning that this favored treat is indeed a healthy food will surely lead to its fans enjoying ice cream even more.

Comparing Ice Creams

There are so many brands, flavors and styles of ice cream available that it may be difficult to decide which ones you want to buy. If you do some comparison-shopping in advance, it will assist you in making the purchases that are best suited to your own personal tastes, lifestyle, and economy.

If you crave both simplicity and variety, Baskin-Robbins is an excellent place to find both. Currently having nearly three thousands stores in the United States, you are sure to find something to your liking amongst their famous “31 flavors.” Baskin-Robbins has twenty-one permanent flavors, eleven seasonal flavors, and two flavors-of-the-month. In addition to their most popular ice cream cones of one, two , or three scoops Baskin-Robbins also sells shakes, sherbets, ices, and wonderful custom-made ice cream cakes. For customers who have dietary restrictions, Baskin-Robbins also offers lowfat and no sugar added ice creams. Baskin-Robbins is definitely one of the best brands of ice cream.

When great taste and whimsy meet, the result is Ben and Jerry’s. You may already have a favorite Ben and Jerry’s favorite amongst their best-sellers, such as Chunky Monkey, Cherry Garcia, or Peanut Butter Cup; or you might like to try one of their new styles, such as Cinnamon Buns, Strawberry Cheesecake, and Banana Split. Ben and Jerry’s also sells their most popular flavors in the form of cool, frosty milk beverages. Raspberry Chocolate Chunk, Strawberries and Cream, Phish Food, and Chocolate Cookie Dough are also available in light varieties. Currently, Ben and Jerry’s also manufactures four organic ice creams.

Rare is the person who has tried and not automatically loved Moose Tracks! Moose Tracks, whose popularity nearly rivals that of vanilla, is made by the Denali ice cream company. As variety is what makes and keeps happy customers, Denali sells Moose Tracks ice cream in eight different styles, including one which has no sugar added. In addition to their famous Moose Tracks, they manufacture more than thirty other flavors, plus ice cream bars and ice cream pies. Moose Tracks ice cream is definitely not an acquired preference, for you will most likely choose it over any other ice cream once you have tried it.

Dreyer’s ice cream, which is sold in some parts of the United States as Edy’s ice cream, has something for everyone. Dreyer’s premium Grand ice cream sports thirty continuous styles of ice cream, cones, and bars, as well as limited edition flavors. They have sixteen slow-churned, no sugar added, light ice creams, as well as light ice cream bars in Vanilla Almond, Cookies and Cream, Creamy Vanilla, and Vanilla with Nestle Crunch coating. If you like your ice cream packed with extras, Dreyer’s Loaded comes in Butterfinger and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, amongst others. They also carry nine delicious flavors of fruit bars, and six sherbets, including orange cream and tropical rainbow.

Located in Lynnfield, Massachusetts, the Hood ice cream company was established in 1846. Without a doubt, Hood ice cream is one of the very best! If basic great taste is what you are seeking, you need not look any further than the Hood brand for ice cream. Hood ice cream is not about pretentious, fancy, or modern, but instead focuses on simple, time-honored goodness. Hood ice cream comes in fifteen classic flavors including Holiday Eggnog, Spumoni, and the vanilla and chocolate checkerboard known as Patchwork. You can also find such unique ice creams as Boston Crme Pie, Martha’s Vineyard Black Raspberry, Mystic Lighthouse Mint, Vermont Maple Nut, and others in Hood’s New England Creamery Ice Cream.

There are many ice cream manufacturers in the United States. Some distribute their ice creams nationwide, while some only sell their products in specific locations. But these are some of the finest, and amongst them you will certainly find one or more ice creams that suits your liking!