Become a Pastry Chef: Know these Things First

Who does not love pastries? Pastries are all-time favorite desserts. They are the best to be given as gifts. Most people struggle to create pastries but only a few succeed. But how about with the pastry chefs? What are their secrets in creating the best pastries in town? Have it ever occurred to you that you want to become a pastry chef? Read on and be made aware of the aspects that envelop the world of a pastry chef.

Who is a pastry chef?

A patissier or a pastry chef is someone who is based in professional kitchen surroundings. He is naturally skilled with the preparation and creation of desserts, pastries, and some other baked products. The pastry chef works in bakeries, bistros, hotels, and restaurants.

The pastry chef is one of the members of the brigade de cuisine in most professional kitchens and is likewise tagged as the station chef in the pastry department. There are assistants working with the pastry chef.

What are the duties and obligations of the pastry chef?

There are a lot of responsibilities that need to be catered to by the pastry chef. Among of which are ordering, menu planning, and costing. The everyday operations of the establishment obligate the pastry chef to research on new recipes, cooking concepts, and the testing of the newfound recipes. It is the duty of the pastry chef to attend to the advance preparation of several desserts before the dinner begins. The plating of the desert is typically assigned to the Garde manger during the specific time of ordering.

The pastry chef is the one who is in charged with the dessert menu. The dessert menu covers not only the traditional ones but also the dessert beverages, gourmet cheese platters, dessert wines, and many others.

What are the various positions of pastry chefs?

There are many designated positions for the pastry chefs especially within the large food establishments, restaurants, and hotels. The highest so far is the Chef de Cuisine who takes charge of conceptualizing the menu dishes and selects the direction of the foods. The executive chef is a subordinate to the chef de cuisine. He makes the recipes, controls the costs, and does the administrative works. The head chef is involved in smaller food operations. The sous chef ensures that the prepared food passes the standards that have been set up. It is the chef de partie who manages a particular section in the kitchen; the commis chef does the large volume of cooking whereas the apprentice chefs are those that are being trained.

What are the usual activities that the pastry chef executes?

Among the many obligations of the pastry chefs are:

To connive with the other chefs in the establishment regarding the pairing of desserts and menu planning;

To test and evaluate at the same time the dessert recipes and new pastry lineup;

To order the supplies from different vendors or go directly to the growers of the fresh berries and fruits;

Prepare the budget allotment for the department;

Supervise the transition of the chefs and those apprentices; and

Provide the supplementary trainings or educational programs regarding dessert and pastry making.

If you desire to become a pastry chef, you need to be abreast with all these aspects. You could either take up the related courses on Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management or the Bachelor of Science in Culinary Management. As you enter the world of the pastry chef, you’ll soon realize how vital you could be in the world of cuisine specialty.

Origins And History Of Ice Cream

If one is curious about the facts concerning the origin of ice cream, the curiosity will have to continue to stand, for no one is one hundred percent certain of its exact origin. The absence of facts leads to theories, and the most prominent ones are quite interesting. The most interesting aspect of the theories of ice cream’s origin, however, are the inconsistencies. Perhaps it was invented by the Roman emperor Nero, perhaps it was discovered by Marco Polo, or perhaps the early Chinese deserve the credit. Facts also give way to unproven theories in terms of its time of invention. It has been theoretically calculated that ice cream had its beginnings around 618-97 A.D., the second century B.C., and the fourth century B.C. The only clear fact about the origin of ice cream is that no one knows the facts.

The history of ice cream throughout the ages is a different story. Ice cream has been enjoyed in most parts of the world; and each part of the world has brought its own special variations to the subject of ice cream. Thomas Jefferson can be credited with introducing ice cream to America. Long being a much-loved dish in England, ice cream’s first place in America was limited to the wealthy, but soon gained a place with the general population as ice cream parlors were established. No longer limited to the upper-class, ice cream soon became a part of life for the American public in general.

The very first commercial ice cream company in the United States began in Baltimore in in 1851. Established by Jacob Fussell, this ice cream plant was a decisive step toward making ice cream accessible to the American public. The invention of the hand-cranked freezer in 1846 marked the beginning of production of the type of ice cream which has continued in its popularity to the present day.

Other well-known ice cream variations also have interesting roots. The ice cream cone, similar to the style we are familiar with today, was first produced at the St. Louis World’s Fair in 1904. And the original Eskimo Pie was designed in Iowa in 1920. The history of ice cream in the United States makes clear the point that regardless of its changes and variations throughout the years, the American public’s love for ice cream is one factor which has never changed.

In other parts of the world, ice cream has a number of variations. Some countries’ ice creams bear little resemblance to what we know as ice cream, but are equally enjoyed by their citizens. In some countries the emphasis is less on the dairy products which we generally associate with ice cream, and, instead, on fruits and the frozen nature of the dessert, placing the dish more in the range of sorbets, sherbets, and even snow cones. In India, the origin of ice cream products goes back to the fruit sorbets of the sixteenth century. More closely related to the American version of ice cream is Kulfi, which is frozen milk and sugar with added flavorings such as orange, peanut and apple.

Although ice cream production in the United States began as a delicacy inaccessible to the general population, it soon gained widespread appeal. Ice cream’s availability to the public which began in New York and Philadelphia’s ice cream parlors has, over the course of time, resulted in the approximately five hundred commercial ice cream companies currently in business.

With seven ice cream plants in the United States, Dreyer’s, which is based in City of Commerce, California, is currently the largest selling ice cream manufacturer in America. Ever expanding their line of flavors, Dreyer’s also produces sherbets and fruit bars. The production– and consumption– of ice cream has come a long way since Thomas Jefferson first introduced it to the United States.

What is Sports Nutrition?

Almost all of the people, occupying this world, dream of being a sports superstar. You long for that feeling when thousands of fans scream your name when you are about to win a game. But unfortunately, only those with extreme discipline, hardwork and talent get to experience that.

Talent is not the only secret of being a sports icon, it is also the way they get their nutrition. You see, sports nutrition is different from normal nutrition because with sports nutrition, the athletes require more nutrients to keep their energy up during their various activities. Athletes perform strenuous activities, that is why more nutrients are needed to keep them running.

Athletes lose a lot of fluids during their game. And like everyone knows, dehydration is one of the biggest problems in the athletic world. Getting tired and thirsty will affect an athletes performance, just as it affects anyone elses, except that it makes the life of an athlete a lot more difficult to live.

Everyone knows that an athletes performance is the reason why they get paid, seriously. So basically, if you are an athlete and you want to have that winning edge, then you better get that right nutrition. When you drink enough water and eat a balanced diet and also get the right sports nutrition, your body can utilize energy efficiently and also fuel top performance.

You can make the most of your athletic talents and have more strength, power and endurance when you get the right sports nutrition. These are not just for boasting purposes, however, athletes do have their own way of boasting the above mentioned attributes.

Your diet should be based on different factors and this should involve your age, size, physical condition and the type of sports you are engaging yourself in.

You lose a lot of fluids everytime you exercise. Just imagine the gallons of sweat you lose when you are pumping that body of yours. That is why water is the most important factor in sports nutrition. It is not the only factor, but in truth, it is the most important.

It makes up about sixty percent of your body weight and is involved in almost all of your bodily processes.

Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after any kind of sports activity to prevent over-heating and dehydration. At least try to drink the same amount of water you lose due to sweat. There are also various sports drinks that are good for longer events. Getting hydrated will definitely help boost your energy.

Eating a balanced diet is another key to sports nutrition. The right combination of calories from carbohydrates, proteins and fats gives you more energy for top performance. These nutrients perform certain actions that will help your body as you perform strenuous kinds of sports.

Carbohydrates are the most important fuel source. It provides a minimum of sixty to a maximum of seventy percent of our calories. Carbohydrates are found on almost all of the food you consume. Food rich in carbohydrates are fruits, vegetables, pastas, breads, cereals, rice and many more that are too many to mention.

The more carbohydrates you have, the more energy you can give out. If you run out of carbohydrates, you can also get energy form proteins and fats.

You can get your proteins from meat, fish, poultry, eggs, beans, nuts, dairy products and other foods. Proteins provide a minimun of fifteen to a maximum of twenty percent of your daily calories. They are used in tissue and muscle build up.

Sports Nutrition Products – A Need or Just Marketing?

Even if you are into sports, youll only need your regular diet plus plenty of water. Thus, you do not need a sport nutrition product. Right? Wrong.

The need for sports and sport nutrition product

Records of antiquities show that athletics has been an integral part of earliest mans life. Athletic life was originally meant for survival through gathering food or for self protection. Later, it developed into a contest for strength, speed, skill, and mental sharpness. With the passage of time, these activities evolved into what we now know as different forms of exercises, or sports.

Our ancestors even then, fully understand the need of our body for exercise and other forms of physical activities. They instinctively know that in order to maintain their health and further developed their physical whole being, they need to have some activities. And from this early, they understand the need for a special food, the modern version of which is our sport nutrition product.

Basic dietary patterns of our ancestors

Evidences about prehistoric peoples diets can be glimpsed from the artifacts used in food preparation such as milling, baking, and ultimately cooking. From these bits of information, we are informed that the basic diet of early Greeks and Romans for instance was a perfect combination of plant and animal products. They ate several variety of cereals, vegetables, fruits (fresh and dried), and lots of wine (usually diluted with water in varying degree).

Early Greeks main meat source is that of goats. In Italy it was pork meat products specially bacon. Beef was occasionally eaten, particularly after sacrifices in numerous temples. Milk, and perhaps milk product, was a very popular food. Fish and poultry were also part of the regular diet. The slight difference of these early people with our modern diet is that olive oil was consumed in greater volume than butter. The oil was also a main source for household lighting.

Combined with good sport nutrition product, this diet, a formula made thousands of years ago, is a perfect dietary program for a modern sports man. Our ancestors knew then, that although foods abound in nature, there are several nutritional sources that fit better a healthy lifestyle.

Sports nutrition product

Fast forward into our modern setting. It is important for athletes to have good nutrition for maximum strength, optimum agility, endurance, and improved overall performance. The foundation for any successful athletic program is a good combination of a well-thought based on whole foods (veggies, fruits, whole grains, and proteins, remember the Greeks?) supplemented with a special sport nutrition product, and course a good regimen of exercise.

While it is true that dedication, good training techniques, and genetics are still the main element in an athletes effectiveness, the lack of a proper nutrition coupled with the absence of nutritional supplement like sport nutrition product can inhibit an athletes performance in any other forms of exercise.

Without a good eating habits combined with sport nutrition product, pre-games and competitions proper may end disastrously. Optimal nutrition is only attainable with perfect dietary practice, combined with sport nutrition product as important element. It is only thru a sustained adherence to this good combination of regimen and sport nutrition product that a stellar performance is assured.

Sports Nutrition and Quick Food Fixes

Athletes are busy people. They try to balance training with work, school, family and other activities. With all these responsibilities, athletes consume a lot of energy each day. Food preparation can become a challenge but it is a challenge that athletes need to face since good sports nutrition help to adequately fuel work-outs and improve performance and recovery.

Eating well should be a part of an athletes overall training plan. But buying well is a requirement for eating well.

Nutritious meals begin at the grocery store. If you purchase the right ingredients, its a cinch to whip up a nutritious and flavorful meal. Stocking up with healthy staples is critical to good sports nutrition and will give you many options when you get home from a workout. Here are some foods busy athletes must be armed with.

Freeze Health

Frozen foods are time-savers. Many prepackaged frozen items let you use the exact amount you need thus cutting cleaning up time. Leftovers are also instant meals on a busy night.

Freezing is an important method of preserving most nutrients. Frozen vegetables are a lot of help because they require no washing, chopping, or peeling. Serve vegetables as a side dish, or incorporate into soups, sauces, or pasta dishes.

Frozen fruit has longer shelf-life and are easily available if supply of fresh ones is low. Frozen blueberries, mixed berries, and mangoes can be blended into a smoothie with fruit juice and milk or yogurt or used as cereal topping.

Chicken breasts or fish fillets that are frozen in individual packing are a good protein source for your meals. Frozen meatballs provide variation and can be easily mixed with pasta.

Pantry Staples

Canned products dont compromise nutrition. Upon being harvested fruits and vegetables are processed to keep nutrients locked in.

Beans that are canned are nutrient dense, and will load you with the important fuel for maximum growth and sports performance.

Canned tuna and salmon are rich in protein and omega-3 fats, which have been shown to help conditions of cancer, heart disease, arthritis and mental health. Pasta dishes, salads and sandwiches can be given another character by including these in the recipe.

Peanut Butter is a good source of calories, and for busy athletes, an easy fill. Use this as sandwich spread and top with a banana or enjoy with carrot strips. Peanut butter is packed with healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats and vitamin E.

Popular among athletes is the use of tomato sauce. Processed tomatoes are concentrated with protective compounds. One half-cup of tomato sauce, for instance, contains six times more of the antioxidant lycopene than a medium fresh tomato.

Tomato sauce is usually cooked with pasta which is a staple of many athletes sports nutrition diet. If available, use the whole grain variety because refined pasta has been stripped off of its vitamins, fiber and other nutrients. Frozen bell peppers and tuna can boost protein content of meals with tomato sauce.

A wide variety of whole grains must be explored, examples of which are brown rice and red rice. Whole grains take a little longer to cook so cook in medium batches just enough to have leftovers for the next day.

In the Fridge

Fridge wonders include prewashed and ready-to-eat salad greens and carrots, cheese, eggs, milk, and yogurt.