Sports Nutrition and Quick Food Fixes

Athletes are busy people. They try to balance training with work, school, family and other activities. With all these responsibilities, athletes consume a lot of energy each day. Food preparation can become a challenge but it is a challenge that athletes need to face since good sports nutrition help to adequately fuel work-outs and improve performance and recovery.

Eating well should be a part of an athletes overall training plan. But buying well is a requirement for eating well.

Nutritious meals begin at the grocery store. If you purchase the right ingredients, its a cinch to whip up a nutritious and flavorful meal. Stocking up with healthy staples is critical to good sports nutrition and will give you many options when you get home from a workout. Here are some foods busy athletes must be armed with.

Freeze Health

Frozen foods are time-savers. Many prepackaged frozen items let you use the exact amount you need thus cutting cleaning up time. Leftovers are also instant meals on a busy night.

Freezing is an important method of preserving most nutrients. Frozen vegetables are a lot of help because they require no washing, chopping, or peeling. Serve vegetables as a side dish, or incorporate into soups, sauces, or pasta dishes.

Frozen fruit has longer shelf-life and are easily available if supply of fresh ones is low. Frozen blueberries, mixed berries, and mangoes can be blended into a smoothie with fruit juice and milk or yogurt or used as cereal topping.

Chicken breasts or fish fillets that are frozen in individual packing are a good protein source for your meals. Frozen meatballs provide variation and can be easily mixed with pasta.

Pantry Staples

Canned products dont compromise nutrition. Upon being harvested fruits and vegetables are processed to keep nutrients locked in.

Beans that are canned are nutrient dense, and will load you with the important fuel for maximum growth and sports performance.

Canned tuna and salmon are rich in protein and omega-3 fats, which have been shown to help conditions of cancer, heart disease, arthritis and mental health. Pasta dishes, salads and sandwiches can be given another character by including these in the recipe.

Peanut Butter is a good source of calories, and for busy athletes, an easy fill. Use this as sandwich spread and top with a banana or enjoy with carrot strips. Peanut butter is packed with healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats and vitamin E.

Popular among athletes is the use of tomato sauce. Processed tomatoes are concentrated with protective compounds. One half-cup of tomato sauce, for instance, contains six times more of the antioxidant lycopene than a medium fresh tomato.

Tomato sauce is usually cooked with pasta which is a staple of many athletes sports nutrition diet. If available, use the whole grain variety because refined pasta has been stripped off of its vitamins, fiber and other nutrients. Frozen bell peppers and tuna can boost protein content of meals with tomato sauce.

A wide variety of whole grains must be explored, examples of which are brown rice and red rice. Whole grains take a little longer to cook so cook in medium batches just enough to have leftovers for the next day.

In the Fridge

Fridge wonders include prewashed and ready-to-eat salad greens and carrots, cheese, eggs, milk, and yogurt.

Recovery, Body Protection and Sports Nutrition

Food gives us energy and fuels physical activity. Not eating enough can cause a drop in energy and endurance levels and, in the world of sports, can lead to painful losses. This is why athletes learn quickly to pack that extra energy bar just in case.

But food is not only good as energy sources to our muscles. They also hold substances that promote our health, boost our immunity to sicknesses, promote tissue repair, protect cells from damage, protect against age-related cognitive decline and increase resistance to cancers, and other illnesses, all of which are important to maintaining good performance and longevity in sports. These protective substances are commonly known as phytochemicals.

Phytochemicals means “chemicals from plants.” Vegetables and fruits therefore are excellent sources.

Color means protection

Colorful vegetables and fruits have high levels of phytochemicals. In most cases, colorful skins of fruits and vegetables have the most concentrated source of protective nutrients.


Red fruits maintains heart health, memory function, lowers risk to some cancers, and ensures urinary tract health. Lycopene and anthocyanins are available in red fruits and vegetables. Lycopede reduces the risk of several types of cancer, heart and lung disease. Anthocyanins helps protect against heart disease by preventing blood clots. Both may slow the cell aging process.


Beta-carotene is abundant in orange and yellow substances. It is an antioxidant that helps reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, maintain eyesight, help boost the immune system, and promote repair of damaged DNA. With Vitamin C, Bioflavonoids which are also contained in orange and yellow fruits and vegetables, help reduce the risk of cancer, strengthen bones and teeth, heal wounds, keep skin healthy and lower the risk of heart attacks.


Anthocyanins and Phenols make up blue and purple fruits and vegetables. Research says they may help reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s and may have anti-aging effects.


Green fruits and vegetables are among the best sources of lutein. Lutein helps reduce the risk of cataracts and mascular degeneration, which can cause loss of vision. Green vegetables are also rich in sulforaphane, isocyanate and indoles which hamper the action of carcinogens.


Allicin, which are found in garlic, leeks, and onions, helps control blood pressure and cholesterol. It looks like it also increases the body’s ability to fight infection. Cauliflower contains sulforaphane, and mushrooms contain selenium. Both are also cancer-fighting.

Because they protect your body from injuries, diseases and untimely aging, colorful vegetables and fruits must be first in mind when buying food to maintain good sports nutrition.

Essentials for fast recovery

Proper recovery is also a main concern in sports nutrition. Sufficient rest and sleep allows the body’s systems to recuperate from training stress and makes you stronger and faster. Training gains can be maximized, recovery process speeded up and performance enhanced by correct food and liquid consumption after workout.

The amount of food you need depends on the extent of the depletion of glycogen stores. How much food you need depends on the extent that your activity depleted your glycogen stores.

For a minimum of 2 hours of exercise, sports nutrition experts recommend around 1-1.5 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight within 15 minutes after cessation of exercise and every two hours until your next complete meal. Thats around 50-120 grams or 200-480 calories of carbohydrates for most athletes.

Natural Sports Nutrition: The Diet for Champions

They say that great artists are made, not born. The same could also be said for athletes. Of course, genetics plays a large part in differentiating a mere athlete from a sports champion, but to be able to attain that legendary status in the Hall of Fame, an aspiring sportsman must go through the strictest of diets that will help shape and strengthen the physique.

By drinking sufficient amounts of water and consuming a balanced diet, the body can generate a lot of energy which will greatly help in boosting for top athletic performance.

What are the factors to be considered in designing a complete and healthy natural sports nutrition program?

1. Hydration

Obviously, the most important thing in natural sports nutrition is water. The significance of water can never be discounted because the human body is composed of sixty percent of it, and every bodily function cannot work without water. The good old eight-cups-of-water-a-day recommendation is essential because the body must replace the water it eliminates, like sweat and urine.

Here are some helpful reminders to maintain proper hydration:

-Instead of slugging humongous amounts of water in infrequent sittings, drink small portions in frequent durations.

-Cold beverages aid the body in cooling down body temperature, therefore cutting down the amount of sweating.

-One should drink 2-3 cups of water for every pound that the body losses after exercising.

2. Sources of Fuel

A balanced diet is another must for natural sports nutrition. Athletes must acquire the perfect combination of calories that can be consumed from protein, carbohydrates and fats, which are great sources of energy.

Carbohydrates are the most important fuel source, which can be found in foods such as breads, pastas, rice, fruits, veggies and cereals. These foods can supply the body about seventy percent of the needed daily calories. Carbs provide the body the power and endurance it needs for short-duration activities that involve maximum level of intensity. This fuel comes from the energy given by sugar and starches that the body converts.

Here are strategies to maximize the potential of carbs:

-Start loading up on carbs at least several days before prior to the competition.

-Carbs should be consumed in greater amounts in the duration of activities that lasts more than one hour to fend off the onset of fatigue.

Another imperative factor in natural sports nutrition is proteins. Athletes should eat lots of dairy, eggs, meats, fish and chicken, along with nuts and beans. Protein supplies as much as fifteen percent of calories in the body. To determine the amount of protein needed by an athlete, the following factors should be considered: his fitness level, the type of exercise along with its duration and intensity, and his overall carb and calorie intake.

The last fuel source that is important for natural sports nutrition is fats. There are two kinds: saturated and unsaturated. Although it is a significant component in nutrition, the intake of fats should be strictly monitored. Too much consumption of fats may lead to major health problems such as cancer and heart disease.

The road to sports excellence is not easy. Along with fostering courage and determination, athletes have to follow the strict regimen brought on by natural sports nutrition. But all of these will be worth the trouble once victory is achieved.

What You Need to Know about Calcium Citrate

We eat everyday.

Others may prepare your food or you do it yourself. You use fresh foods to prepare your meal such as newly picked vegetables or unsullied meat products. There are times that you do not have the luxury of time to buy and carefully choose what is fresh and blemished. Henceforth, you run to the nearest shopping center and buy some canned goods.

Whenever you buy canned goods, seldom it is that you read the small labels written on the package. You barely read what the ingredients are. Did you know that there are some canned goods that contain calcium citrate? If you only read labels then you would know.

If our body needs salt, then citric acids also need salt. The salt of citric acids is termed as calcium citrate. Usually it is utilized as a food preservative or as food flavoring. However if you are to carefully discover the value of calcium citrate, you will know the following aspects.

These days many people are consulting their physicians due to calcium deficiency. Calcium citrate can help avert and to some extent, cure calcium deficiencies and other related conditions.

Potential Calcium Citrate Users
You can take calcium citrate to fill the gap of any calcium deficit. Make sure though that you have verified with your physician the following conditions before taking calcium citrate:

1. If you are pregnant and plans to breastfeed.

2. If you have kidney illness and related health problems.

3. If you are taking other calcium-related vitamins. Additionally, convey to your physician if you have been taking antacids.

Proper Intake of Calcium Citrate
Ensure that you have your physician s prescription and advise to take calcium citrate. By doing this you will avoid further health damage to yourself. Furthermore, it is also important for you to know proper intake of calcium citrate.

” Your physician will give you instructions on how to take calcium citrate. Make sure to follow them.

” Do not try to ingest calcium citrate directly without the help of water. It is recommended that you consume calcium citrate with a glassful of water.

” Unless directed by your physician, it is best to take calcium citrate after taking your meals.

Calcium citrate is not just an ordinary food preservative or flavoring, it is more to that. It helps you achieve the calcium that is needed by your body so you will have strong bones and a healthy well being.

The Truth Behind Calcium Hydroxide Usage

Calcium hydroxide is one of the chemical compounds that are not associated in calcium supplement manufacturing because of the presence of acidic properties. It takes the form of either white powder or colorless crystal which is produced when another chemical compound which is the calcium oxide is quenched with water. It can also be produced by the mixture of the aqueous (water-based) solution of sodium hydroxide and the aqueous solution of calcium chloride.

When processed under heat, it decomposes into water and calcium oxide. One of the products, which is the lime water (formed by a suspension of fine particles of calcium hydroxide in water) is considered to be a medium-strength base which reacts viciously with acids as well as assails many metals in the presence of water.

Due to its sturdy basic properties, calcium hydroxide is used on various applications, such as the following:

When in the form of lime, it is used as a sewage treatment and for the improvement of acid soils.

It is an active ingredient in the production of plaster, whitewash, and mortar.

It also acts as an alkaline which is used as a non-lye substitute in lye-free hair relaxers.

It is also used as a reagent in the following applications:

For the reef aquarium as a bio-available calcium additive solution for organisms inside the aquarium that uses calcium such as snails, algae, corals, and hard tube worms.

For the tanning industry as a neutralizer on extra acids.

For the petroleum refining application as an ingredient for manufacturing oil additives such as sulphatic and fanatic.

For the chemical application as an ingredient in manufacturing calcium stearate.

For water processing such as alcoholic and soda drinks.

For clearing magnesium and carbonate contents of calcium in manufacturing salt for food.

It is also used as a filler on the following applications:

Solid oil manufacturing.
Brake pad manufacturing.
Ebonite production.
Dry mix preparation for decorating and painting.
Pesticide mix manufacturing.
Polikar manufacturing (a drug that is used as a preservative for vegetables and fruits during storage period).

It is also used in paste which is employed in tooths root canal procedure which reduces inflammation as well as acting as a disinfectant within the infected area.

However, since it contains acidic properties, calcium hydroxide overdose can lead to dangerous consequences such as breathing difficulties, internal bleeding, hypotension, skeletal muscle paralysis, and an increase in the bloods pH level, which can cause damage to the bodys internal organs.