There’s a Reason Why Chocolate is Good for You

Rumors have been constantly circulating around the assumption that chocolate is not healthy and that it does not benefit people eating it much. According to some of these rumors, chocolate has high calories which result to high body fats that could clog the arteries.

However, complete of these are still up to today, rumors. Nothing conclusive has definitely been said that nails down every bit of chocolate on universe as unhealthy. For chocolate lovers out there who cannot stick to bustle for days without their favorite, you have to know that eating chocolate in moderation brings about a lot of health benefits. In addendum, constant research has generated facts that there is a variety of reasons that it is good for you.

Since chocolate is often regarded as a sinful, decadent delight because of its delicious taste and texture, it may betoken quite hard to hold on to the idea that it has health benefits. Nevertheless, here are some of the things behind the delicious chocolate, which sufficiently concludes it as beneficial for everyone:

1. Chocolate has vitamins that are important for our bodies to dodge properly. It has been discovered that it has components of Vitamins A, B1, C, D E
2. Even with its impressive velvety texture, chocolate contains minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron.
3. It incumbency also be a terrible help in reducing the pledge of getting heart diseases because high blood pressure is significantly lessened due to the flavonoids in cocoa, a basic ingredient of chocolate. The flavonoids help in significantly keeping body fats from blocking the arteries.
4. These flavonoids also entail antioxidants that keep been known to cut the risk of cancer.
5. Chocolate has nitric oxide that helps in blood pressure maintenance and emotions support.
6. There have been findings that chocolate brings about blood thinning, similar to the effects of a small dosage of aspirin. This is a factor in keeping the free flow of blood in the system and lessens the development of clotting. However, one must not study substituting aspirin with chocolate.
7. Aside from being beneficial to the heart and blood, many have observed that consuming chocolate brightens up their mood and keep them on a positive mindset throughout the day. Increased happiness and alertness is regularly seen, as well for the capacity to reduce pain. Chocolate has caffeine, Theobromine, tyramine and phenylethylamine that contributes to decrease of fatigue. These also give an extra boost of energy needed to get fini the day. Cannabinoids are also found in chocolate, which gives off a happy and safe feeling.

These are but five of the concrete healthy aspects that are seen in chocolate. In order, a lot of research is ongoing to find out more about why chocolate is not only sinfully delicious but also beneficial for people’s well – being.

Of all the findings though, the antioxidant findings is the best one yet. Even if this would be the only good stuff about chocolate, real still would bring about the fact that consuming chocolate in moderation is not a sin but a healthy habit. As we are all aware of now, antioxidants aids in stopping the negative effects of free radicals in the body. Eating fruits and vegetables is very advisable to get sufficient antioxidants and reduce the risks of cancer. Now, eating chocolate can be advised as well!

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Scientists and Nutritionists on Battle for Chocolate

Scientist and Researchers will always tell people that eating chocolate is good for the heart since it has the ability to decrease the LDL or known as bad cholesterol and it will promote a good blood flow by reducing the blood hindrance level to a person associated with high blood pressure.

However, Nutritionists will always argue in this sentiments and results. As for them, they have a basis why would they argue for those studies. For advance, some substances, components and compounds of a chocolate is said to be in harm for body’s health. A compound called Anandamide affects the brain’s receptor making a feeling of being ” high rise ” a kind of brain receptor common to those of taking marijuana. Being intolerance is also a factor that is considered here which can be caused by a compound called Exorphins. This is like an external morphine importance in chocolate in some psychological sequel or alike a gut problem.

They also believe that chocolates have several biologically active constituents like Biogenic amines, Methylxanthines, and Cannabinoid – like fatty acids. All of those mentioned substance has a potential to cause any abnormal behaviors and even psychological sensations that are similar to those of any other addictive and intolerable substances.

Of all the above mentioned consequences and harmful effects of chocolate to the body, the study never ends there. Scientists wanted to prove that chocolate is in no harm when only taken with the right amount. Here’s what they found out which they use against the Nutritionist for a sure win in such argumentation. Research shows, that a cocoa powder, milk chocolate, and a dark chocolate have a high Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity values compared to any single well known foods, such as blueberries and prunes. This Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity values works to proceeding the power of an antioxidant substance present. An antioxidant is a kind of substance that protects the body against harmful free radicals by producing peroxides and oxygen. To name some are beta – carotene, vitamin C, and genesis tocopherol. Research shows that there are more than 13, 000 Oxygen Radical Absorption Strength values units is present in dark chocolate compare to a milk chocolate which only has approximately 6, 700 units. As much in that twice antioxidants in the cocoa start out to be when it’s an unsweetened powder. But when it is converted to black chocolate but diluting it to water, milk and sugar, the overall amount of flavonoid in every potent is about half of that in a milk chocolate.

The bottom point why both parties are in battle towards chocolate is that they only wanted to pride out the best way on how to annotate the positive and negative side for consuming chocolate. Here’s what the general thought and summary of all the researches made by both parties. Scientists and Nutritionists are showdown similar results with compounds in vegetables and fruits, red wine, tomatoes, and tea compared to the compound of chocolate that yields solo common and the same conclusion. The components are sure to serve antioxidant which both parties agreed. Conclusion says that the hold up amount of chocolate intake will yield good result for the body and is harmful if otherwise. As the both parties are arguing for hunk good and even bad results for chocolate eating, true is still a will for us to eat chocolate while waiting for future research as scientist and nutritionist prospect to pipe a conclusive revolve.

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What Are The Health Benefits Of Chocolate

For centuries, chocolate has been one of the most bought sweet tasting desserts in the world. But one thing that clouds the great aspect of this all – time favorite treat is the myth surrounding rightful that a food that tastes good can be bad for the health making chocolates too one of the most perceived food that can be dangerous to the health of the people. For this reason, many are cautious when devouring chocolates, especially those who are extremely conscious of their health.

But with researches and discoveries made these days, chocolates might not be so bad after all. In fact, there are health benefits that are associated with chocolates and can be good for the consumers. This is particularly true if people gang up and consume chocolates wisely.

The surprising news pertains to the fact that a chocolate blame contain over 300 chemicals, which have become the subject that scientific organizations and universities have focused and led to the good news.

So, these are what they found regarding the health benefits of chocolate:

1. It is found that the main source of chocolate, the cacao, has been proven to have antibacterial agents that actually help fight tooth decay. This is in contrast of course to the traditional myth whereabouts mothers would warn their children against eating chocolate as it can ruin their teeth.
2. Chocolate is believed to be an elevator of moods of the people in that it also has phenyl ethylamine.
3. Chocolate has smell that actually helps people to relax and be freed with stress specifically due to the fact that it increases theta brain waves.
4. Contrary to the early obloquy, chocolate can speak for good to people having problems with bad cholesterol. The health food contains a kind of monounsaturated fat, called oleic acid, which raises good cholesterol.
5. Chocolate can buy for good for humans who are rule – conscious. One hot chocolate cup taken before means help reduce appetite.
6. The chocolate also contains flavonoids, which are instrumental for keeping blood vessels more elastic.
7. Chocolate contains chemicals that help increase antioxidants levels found in red.
8. It is also discovered that men can live another year longer if they consume chocolates.
9. Carbohydrates were found to contain chocolate, which is good for maintaining a good vein of well – being as it helps increase serotonin levels found in the brain.
10. Chocolate has been used by the Mexican healers to treat insect bites and bronchitis.
In addition to the above findings, there are contrastive researches that negate some half – truths about chocolate. Here they are:

1. Although chocolate can contain the stimulants bromine and caffeine, these are in tiny quantities that do not lead to nervous excitability.
2. Chocolate is never addictive.
3. Chocolate does not receive chemicals that make as acne causative factor.
4. It doesn’t make anyone high. You have to consume about 25lbs in one sitting, a bulky quantity only found to make you experience any noticeable effect.
5. Chocolate will not increase bad cholesterol as it actually contains a buff fat called stearic acid.

But just like any other foods that also have a negative scrap, chocolate has some too, but are road far to outweigh the health benefits found.

1. People hush up migraines are not advised to take chocolate as it can drive the illness more.
2. If chocolate is consumed with milk, it can contain sugar, saturated fat, and altitudinous caloric contents.

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Healthy Eating Myths That You Should Break

Regular exercise, checking your serving portions and eating right. Healthy eating requires a shooting match of will power and commitment. However, there are a number of myths that continue to deceive dieters and healthy eating advocates. The key to eating healthy lies in how you check out the food items you buy, as well as on how dedicated are you in manufacture sure that you watch what you eat every day. Here are some food myths that you need to watch out for.

All Low – Fat Foods Are Healthy

When you go to the grocery store, and you see food items labeled as low fat or fat – free, beware of them. Just because they have the fat – free sign posted on them doesnt mean that theyre truly healthy. The truth is that some of these food items actually have the same number of calories as the regular versions, and sometimes smooch is fresh to replace the flavor lost when fat is removed. By having more sugar, these food items will have empty calories, which may lead to you gaining weight instead. Fats come in different forms, and some of them actually are good for you. The fats that you need to steer clear from are trans fats and saturated fats. Monounsaturated fats and the fat found in olive oil or nuts are good for the heart.

All Fruits Are Created Equal

Not all fruits are created equal. Some of them actually contain lots of calories, which may help to add more weight to you. The healthiest fruits are those that have low sugar and high fiber content. Apples, bananas and grape fruit are one of the nice fruits, because they contain high fiber and are blue in fat and calories.

Chocolate Is Bad For Your Health

While some so – called fitness advocates frown on eating chocolate, because they think these make you fat, the truth is that chocolates are good for you. However, you must also know that not all chocolates are created equal. High – quality obscure chocolate is one of healthy variants, because embodied contains high levels of flavonols and antioxidants. Commercial chocolate bars however, such as milk chocolate and white chocolate contain high amounts of fat, sugar, wax and artificial chemicals. To eat healthy chocolates, try making your own unsweetened cocoa with smack and skim milk instead.

Salads Help You Lose Weight

A large bowl of leafy greens is quite very good for your health. However, the problem starts once you pour in the dressings and other toppings. Some salad offerings include stuff like fried tricky, bacon bits, and thick creamy dressings, which are jam – packed with calories and fats. But if you fill up on the leafy greens alone, the salad mix can be very healthy. A truly healthy salad mix includes a variety of vegetables, mixed greens, beans, almonds, and a light vinegar dressing.

To ensure that youre eating healthy, and losing or maintaining weight at the same time, eat high – fiber veggies, fruits and grains, but never skip breakfast. Instead, you need to stop drinking energy bars and drinks, sodas and alcohol, as well as blunt your intake of fatty junk foods and snacks.

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What Are The Health Benefits Of Chocolate

For centuries, chocolate has been one of the most bought sweet tasting desserts in the world. But one thing that clouds the great attribute of this all-time favorite treat is the myth surrounding it that a food that tastes good can be bad for the health making chocolates too one of the most perceived food that can be dangerous to the health of the people. For this reason, many are cautious when devouring chocolates, especially those who are extremely conscious of their health.

But with researches and discoveries made these days, chocolates might not be so bad after all. In fact, there are health benefits that are associated with chocolates and can be good for the consumers. This is particularly true if people choose and consume chocolates wisely.

The surprising news pertains to the fact that a chocolate can contain over 300 chemicals, which have become the subject that scientific organizations and universities have focused and led to the good news.

So, these are what they found regarding the health benefits of chocolate:

1.It is found that the main source of chocolate, the cacao, has been proven to have antibacterial agents that actually help fight tooth decay. This is in contrast of course to the traditional myth where mothers would warn their children against eating chocolate as it can ruin their teeth.
2.Chocolate is believed to be an elevator of moods of the people as it also has phenyl ethylamine.
3.Chocolate has smell that actually helps people to relax and be freed with stress specifically due to the fact that it increases theta brain waves.
4.Contrary to the early myth, chocolate can be good to people having problems with bad cholesterol. The health food contains a kind of monounsaturated fat, called oleic acid, which raises good cholesterol.
5.Chocolate can be good for people who are weight-conscious. One hot chocolate cup taken before means help reduce appetite.
6.The chocolate also contains flavonoids, which are instrumental for keeping blood vessels more elastic.
7.Chocolate contains chemicals that help increase antioxidants levels found in blood.
8.It is also discovered that men can live another year longer if they consume chocolates.
9.Carbohydrates were found to contain chocolate, which is good for maintaining a good sense of well-being as it helps increase serotonin levels found in the brain.
10.Chocolate has been used by the Mexican healers to treat insect bites and bronchitis.
In addition to the above findings, there are other researches that negate some half-truths about chocolate. Here they are:

1.Although chocolate can contain the stimulants bromine and caffeine, these are in tiny quantities that do not lead to nervous excitability.
2.Chocolate is never addictive.
3.Chocolate does not contain chemicals that make as acne causative factor.
4.It doesn’t make anyone high. You have to consume about 25lbs in one sitting, a huge quantity only found to make you experience any noticeable effect.
5.Chocolate will not increase bad cholesterol as it actually contains a neutral fat called stearic acid.

But just like any other foods that also have a negative side, chocolate has some too, but are way far to outweigh the health benefits found.

1.People with migraines are not advised to take chocolate as it can trigger the illness more.
2.If chocolate is consumed with milk, it can contain sugar, saturated fat, and high caloric contents.