The Coffee Franchise for Women in Business

Women in business are a growing occurrence. Once relegated to the roles of caretakers more women are stepping up to bat in recent years and discovering that we are not only excellent caretakers and tenders but also exceptional providers and business minds. Savvy women in business often follow the path of least resistance. One way to do this is to buy into a coffee franchise as a business investment.

Why would a coffee franchise appeal to women in business?

There are actually quite a few reasons that coffee franchises are appealing to women in the world of business not the least of which is the fact that a franchise offers name recognition, which can cut years of struggling to build a steady customer base off the timeline. Customers are what makes money in businesses such as a coffee franchise and name recognition often brings customers in the door much more quickly than a new business that no one has ever heard of.

Coffee franchises also offer products that many women find personally appealing. This is often one level in which women in business differ from men. Women are much less likely to go into business offering a product or service that they do not genuinely like or believe in. If a woman loves coffee this is a business that she will see as an attractive business because she knows the product, enjoys the product, and is in a position to really be able to help her customers by making appropriate suggestions to those who seem to be at a loss (personally, I’m almost always at a loss in a coffee caf because there are so many wonderful goodies from which to choose).

Women in business also like the idea of coffee franchises in many instances because it presents a challenge but doesn’t overwhelm. There are plenty of new and wonderful things to learn when opening a coffee franchise but the vast majority of them are pretty straightforward and not overly technical or complicated. This makes the path to ownership much more attractive to women who are less technically or mechanically inclined than the average guy and some of those who would simply rather save mechanical or technical pursuits for pleasure rather than business.

If this isn’t enough however, there is always my personal favorite reason that a coffee franchise is more attractive than some of the other food centered franchises that are available for women: no frying. That’s right. Most coffee franchises do not require a steady supply of greasy food to prep, prepare, and clean up. There is no pervasive scent of fried food that seeps into pores, clothes, and nasal passages. While all women will not count this is a favorite reason it is quite possible that most women will at least somewhere down the road consider it a definite plus when it comes to coffee franchise ownership. The scent of coffee is much more attractive than the scent of French fries-especially in the early hours of the morning when most coffee franchise stores are busiest.

Things to Look for In a Coffee Franchise

Building a business isn’t necessarily an easy task to pursue. Many people go the franchise route when building their businesses so that they may build upon the successes of others rather than learning things about building a business the hard way. A coffee franchise is a good business for most would be business owners. The problem is that very few who are interested in owning a coffee franchise actually put pen to paper and decide what they find attractive about the various coffee franchises that are available to them.

Does the franchise offer the type of training and support you are going to need to help you get things up, running, and off to a great start? This is important. Most people going into the business of owning a coffee franchise have never worked in a coffee house or restaurant before and are not aware of the subtleties or making a great cup of coffee. More importantly they know next to nothing about the business end of things in many cases. A franchise partner should be dedicated to your success and that of your business as both reflect directly upon them. Make sure they have plenty of opportunities for learning about and growing your business in place.

Is there a location nearby from which you can sample the product? It would be a shame to buy into a coffee franchise only to discover you don’t really care for the coffee. It’s very difficult to enthusiastically sell and promote a product you do not believe in. With this in mind make sure you’ve sampled the coffee and other items that your coffee franchise business is going to carry before buying in.

Do the products offered by this franchise excite you? Seriously it is much easier to promote and sell a product, good, or service that you find exciting. For some people the idea of a coffee franchise that dealt with coffee only isn’t all that exciting; others find it very exciting and that enthusiasm shows. Make sure you are excited about your business and the products you are offering.

What kind of advertising is covered in the franchise fee? Advertising is the thing that often gets people in the door of your coffee franchise business. Without adequate advertising you are going to face a few extra hardships when it comes to bringing people into your business. If the parent company offers an aggressive advertising campaign for a nominal fee or as part of the franchise fee you are much more likely to enjoy greater success (provided you do your part once customers walk through the door).

There are many things that different franchises do differently. Find out exactly what the franchise company you are considering offers its franchise owners as incentive and compare to other coffee franchises you are considering. You might find that one is heads and shoulders above the rest and that is the one you’ll want to do business with. A few extra steps in the beginning save time and aggravation later.

The Potential Pitfalls of a Coffee Franchise

All businesses have a few potential pitfalls that should be watched for when considering a partnership of sorts, as would be the case with a coffee franchise. A coffee franchise has excellent possibilities when it comes to profits but the reality is that most coffee franchises fail to capitalize on the massive profits that could be earned. This doesn’t mean that there aren’t many franchise owners that are doing well financially with their coffee franchise businesses. It simply means that there are many more who aren’t doing as well financially as they should be with their coffee franchise businesses.

At the same time you really should examine potential problems that often arise when becoming a part of a larger franchise organizations rather than going it alone. More often than not the benefits far outweigh the potential problems but you should be aware of both the potential for great success and the potential for a few stumbling blocks (or outright landslides) along the way as the result of a franchise affiliation.

The first roadblock that often arises is that you, as a franchise owner, are more often than not limited to products created by and for the franchise to serve in your coffee caf, shop, or house. This means that the new great flavor that you fell in love with last week may never be on your menu and many business owners find this to be a hard lesson to swallow.

The other problem with being limited to the corporate version of products and goods is that these are often neither the best nor the least expensive. This means that you are likely going to pay more for something that you may not truly appreciate the quality of. Hopefully, if you’ve elected to go into business with a particular franchise company you appreciate their quality but every once in a while something better comes along at a better price and it’s difficult to pass it up though you are often required to do so.

Another big problem for those who go into the business of owning a coffee franchise often come across is the fact that you’ve dreamed of becoming your own boss and running your own business only to find out that you are still a slave to corporate policies and your own franchise agreement if you want to keep your franchise rights.

Worst of all for many people is the fact that after years and years of being told how to dress and what to do at work you might find yourself required to wear a uniform when working in your very own store as well as being told how to serve the products you are paying to serve. It’s a tough role for some to swallow. Unfortunately, it’s part of the package if you want to enjoy the benefits of building a business with a coffee franchise. Only you can decide, in the end, if the pitfalls are worth those benefits.

The Importance of Location for a Coffee Franchise

In the world of business, location is extremely important. Most of us have heard the saying “location, location, location”. There is a reason it is a saying and it is important for everything from the perfect photograph and romantic settings as it is in the world of real estate and business success. Spend time scouting out locations that you feel would be great places to open a coffee franchise business and ask yourself the following questions.

Is this is a high traffic location? Most people are rather lazy by nature. You want to find a location that people will drive by often. In other words, you do not want to select a location for your coffee franchise that is low traffic-at least not if big business is your goal. If you found a location that you think is perfect for a coffee shop sit back sometime and see how much traffic drives by the area you are considering. If the rate of traffic is busy you will get a good bit of advertisement value from putting up a sign and having people pull in on impulse.

Can customers easily get into and out of your location? As a customer there are few things that I find more frustrating than a business that is located in an area that proves difficult for entry and exits. Most coffee franchise customers are going to be in a hurry and on the go. You want to make the process as seamless as possible and this means you want a location that allows quick access off the road and back onto the road. People are more likely to make you a daily or weekly stop if your business is convenient for them to enter and exit. Many coffee franchises are electing to have two drive thru windows for added convenience, this is something else you may want to consider for your location if possible.

Is it near entertainment? You might find yourself awed and amazed at the number of people who stop in for a cup of coffee and perhaps a sweet treat after a night at the movie, theater, or even a game of bowling. Many people find that a great cup of coffee is a nice way to end the day (especially if you have a nice variety of decaf on hand). Even those that may not have considered it before will find they are often tempted to make the stop after a movie-especially those on dates that aren’t quite ready for them to end if they see the sign and the coffee franchise in question is located conveniently near the theater or other entertainment venue.

With these things in mind, make sure you choose your location carefully for the best possible effect. Location won’t guarantee success but a great location is a good deal of insulation against failure. When planning your coffee franchise keep all the locations in mind, ask the questions mentioned above, and go with the location that really is the best location to attract business rather than the location that has a certain look. Aesthetics can always be changed later on; the location is pretty firm once selected.