Sports Nutrition Products – A Need or Just Marketing?

Even if you are into sports, youll only need your regular diet plus plenty of water. Thus, you do not need a sport nutrition product. Right? Wrong.

The need for sports and sport nutrition product

Records of antiquities show that athletics has been an integral part of earliest mans life. Athletic life was originally meant for survival through gathering food or for self protection. Later, it developed into a contest for strength, speed, skill, and mental sharpness. With the passage of time, these activities evolved into what we now know as different forms of exercises, or sports.

Our ancestors even then, fully understand the need of our body for exercise and other forms of physical activities. They instinctively know that in order to maintain their health and further developed their physical whole being, they need to have some activities. And from this early, they understand the need for a special food, the modern version of which is our sport nutrition product.

Basic dietary patterns of our ancestors

Evidences about prehistoric peoples diets can be glimpsed from the artifacts used in food preparation such as milling, baking, and ultimately cooking. From these bits of information, we are informed that the basic diet of early Greeks and Romans for instance was a perfect combination of plant and animal products. They ate several variety of cereals, vegetables, fruits (fresh and dried), and lots of wine (usually diluted with water in varying degree).

Early Greeks main meat source is that of goats. In Italy it was pork meat products specially bacon. Beef was occasionally eaten, particularly after sacrifices in numerous temples. Milk, and perhaps milk product, was a very popular food. Fish and poultry were also part of the regular diet. The slight difference of these early people with our modern diet is that olive oil was consumed in greater volume than butter. The oil was also a main source for household lighting.

Combined with good sport nutrition product, this diet, a formula made thousands of years ago, is a perfect dietary program for a modern sports man. Our ancestors knew then, that although foods abound in nature, there are several nutritional sources that fit better a healthy lifestyle.

Sports nutrition product

Fast forward into our modern setting. It is important for athletes to have good nutrition for maximum strength, optimum agility, endurance, and improved overall performance. The foundation for any successful athletic program is a good combination of a well-thought based on whole foods (veggies, fruits, whole grains, and proteins, remember the Greeks?) supplemented with a special sport nutrition product, and course a good regimen of exercise.

While it is true that dedication, good training techniques, and genetics are still the main element in an athletes effectiveness, the lack of a proper nutrition coupled with the absence of nutritional supplement like sport nutrition product can inhibit an athletes performance in any other forms of exercise.

Without a good eating habits combined with sport nutrition product, pre-games and competitions proper may end disastrously. Optimal nutrition is only attainable with perfect dietary practice, combined with sport nutrition product as important element. It is only thru a sustained adherence to this good combination of regimen and sport nutrition product that a stellar performance is assured.

Sports Nutrition: Have The Body And Endurance Of An Athlete

Sports Nutrition: Have The Body And Endurance Of An Athlete

We envy athletes for their trimmed physique and endurance to long hours of physical activities. They achieve the body and endurance that we envy because of regular exercise, body training, proper diet and sports nutrition supplements.

Sports nutrition supplements may be in a form of capsule, powdered shakes, liquid food and candy-like bars. What are sports nutrition supplements and what they can do to your body are the things that you should know first before you head to your local health stores for gallons of protein shakes, carbohydrates bar, and amino acid capsules.

Sports Nutrition Supplements: Vitamins and Minerals

Some people think that sports nutrition supplements such as vitamins or minerals help enhance their performance in the field. According to many experts, however, extra intakes of vitamins and minerals don’t add up to improvement in performance, unless of course the athlete is suffering from vitamin or mineral deficiencies.

A well-balanced diet can meet most of the daily vitamin and mineral needs of an athlete.

Avoid sports nutrition supplements that claim to be ‘herbal’ in nature. Don’t self-prescribe vitamin oil supplements or ‘herbal’ muscle grower without asking your physician first. Usually, these ‘herbal’ supplements go in the guise of herbal supplement, when in fact they are capsules of steroids.

If you want to help your immune system, you can take megadoses of vitamin C. Vitamin C is water soluble and excess of which is easily discharged through sweat and urine.

To avoid sports anemia, especially to females who lose blood every month due to menstruation, the mineral iron should be part of an athlete’s list of sports nutrition supplements. Iron, in blood, is responsible for carrying clean oxygen to healthy body cells and removing carbon dioxide from them.

Taking iron supplements should be done with caution. There is such a thing as iron overdose. Consult your physician first before you take iron as part of your sports nutrition supplement.

Sports Nutrition Supplements: Proteins and Carbohydrates

Protein and carbohydrate are two of the most important sports nutrition supplements. Protein help the muscle grow and gain strength while carbohydrates fuel the body for long hours of exercise ahead.

Although an athlete can get protein and carbohydrates through his daily diet, he can get the large amount he needs by drinking protein shakes or eating a protein bar. There are also carbohydrates supplements in powder and bar form.

These sports nutrition supplements may be added to an athlete’s daily meal. Powdered proteins and carbohydrates are delicious ingredients to a glassful of smoothies or fruit punch.

These sports nutrition supplements are also good for people who are on the go. They are good meal replacements for those who want to lose weight or meal addition for those who want to gain weight.

Nonetheless, anyone who has decided to add these sports nutrition supplements in their daily diet, they should also make it a point to exercise regularly to synthesize and burn out those protein and carbohydrates in the body.

Sports Nutrition Education

As people realize that there is a dearth of information in the world to study, the study of the world becomes more specialized in order for information to be manageably processed for particular purposes. The study of medicine, for example, brought forth a specialization in sports medicine. The study of sports and also of nutrition was further compartmentalized into sports nutrition.

Sports nutrition as a higher education course has been attracting interest among younger generations. As the world population turns to sports for physical health as well as entertainment, sports nutrition attracts a lot of attention and revenues and people specializing in increasing sports performance are very much in demand.

Sports Nutrition education focuses on understanding how the body functions during exercise and sport. Maximizing athletic potential and minimizing health risks associated with sporting activity are two of the main topics of study in Sports Nutrition Education.

Students of this course will consider the role of exercise in healthy lifestyles, and in the treatment of various diseases, with emphasis on interaction between nutrition (diet) and physical performance.

Sports Nutrition education also provides the scientific background, specific knowledge and skills to address concepts and controversies relating to sports nutrition, sports physiology and to explore the links between nutrition, physiology, performance and health outcomes through the life cycle.

Sports nutrition education integrates principles of nutrition and exercise physiology and application to exercising individuals. Common topics for discussion include energy expenditure, fuel substrate metabolism, specific nutrient needs, ergogenic aids, hydration, and weight issues for exercising individuals and athletes.

In personal sports and fitness training, for example, the optimum way to get the most out of their workouts and feel their best is by designing an energizing, performance-enhancing nutrition plan, tailored specific needs of their bodies.

Sport Nutrition education includes learning how to enhance clients workouts and maximize their results with proper nutrition, safe and effective sports supplements, and beneficial vitamins and minerals.

This is a sample module from a university that offers Sports Nutrition in the collegiate levels.

Employment opportunities

While enrolled in a Sports Nutrition Education program, it is still possible to have relevant employment. Work placement can also be advantageous as it also provides you with the benefits of industry experience.

The degree is excellent preparation for anyone planning a career in the sports and fitness industries such as corporate health and fitness. The program is also good for those particularly considering a specialization in the nutritional aspects of performance enhancement.

The graduate of this course can penetrate family and community services, local or state government agencies, hospitals, rehabilitation clinics, institutes of sports, universities and colleges and also personal training. However, the graduate of Sport Nutrition is not qualified to be a dietitian.

Sports Nutrition education also provides a systematic, general, scientific training suitable for a wide assortment of careers. Many students also continue onto a PGCE or Masters course in a related area.

Sports Nutrition and Quick Food Fixes

Athletes are busy people. They try to balance training with work, school, family and other activities. With all these responsibilities, athletes consume a lot of energy each day. Food preparation can become a challenge but it is a challenge that athletes need to face since good sports nutrition help to adequately fuel work-outs and improve performance and recovery.

Eating well should be a part of an athletes overall training plan. But buying well is a requirement for eating well.

Nutritious meals begin at the grocery store. If you purchase the right ingredients, its a cinch to whip up a nutritious and flavorful meal. Stocking up with healthy staples is critical to good sports nutrition and will give you many options when you get home from a workout. Here are some foods busy athletes must be armed with.

Freeze Health

Frozen foods are time-savers. Many prepackaged frozen items let you use the exact amount you need thus cutting cleaning up time. Leftovers are also instant meals on a busy night.

Freezing is an important method of preserving most nutrients. Frozen vegetables are a lot of help because they require no washing, chopping, or peeling. Serve vegetables as a side dish, or incorporate into soups, sauces, or pasta dishes.

Frozen fruit has longer shelf-life and are easily available if supply of fresh ones is low. Frozen blueberries, mixed berries, and mangoes can be blended into a smoothie with fruit juice and milk or yogurt or used as cereal topping.

Chicken breasts or fish fillets that are frozen in individual packing are a good protein source for your meals. Frozen meatballs provide variation and can be easily mixed with pasta.

Pantry Staples

Canned products dont compromise nutrition. Upon being harvested fruits and vegetables are processed to keep nutrients locked in.

Beans that are canned are nutrient dense, and will load you with the important fuel for maximum growth and sports performance.

Canned tuna and salmon are rich in protein and omega-3 fats, which have been shown to help conditions of cancer, heart disease, arthritis and mental health. Pasta dishes, salads and sandwiches can be given another character by including these in the recipe.

Peanut Butter is a good source of calories, and for busy athletes, an easy fill. Use this as sandwich spread and top with a banana or enjoy with carrot strips. Peanut butter is packed with healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats and vitamin E.

Popular among athletes is the use of tomato sauce. Processed tomatoes are concentrated with protective compounds. One half-cup of tomato sauce, for instance, contains six times more of the antioxidant lycopene than a medium fresh tomato.

Tomato sauce is usually cooked with pasta which is a staple of many athletes sports nutrition diet. If available, use the whole grain variety because refined pasta has been stripped off of its vitamins, fiber and other nutrients. Frozen bell peppers and tuna can boost protein content of meals with tomato sauce.

A wide variety of whole grains must be explored, examples of which are brown rice and red rice. Whole grains take a little longer to cook so cook in medium batches just enough to have leftovers for the next day.

In the Fridge

Fridge wonders include prewashed and ready-to-eat salad greens and carrots, cheese, eggs, milk, and yogurt.

Sports Nutrition And Athletic Health

To those who do not know, it is quite a pleasure to announce that sports nutrition health is extremely detrimental to an athletes performance. Why detrimental? This is what drives athletes to prioritize their health and maintain a healthy lifestyle to be able to excel in their sport. How can you play your sport well if you do not have the energy nor do you have the muscle strength to run fast or to jump high?

However, there are certain factors that can prevent you from attaining that sports nutrition health that is deemed to appropriate for your status.

You, assuming that you are an athlete or thinking of becoming one, must, first and foremost, understand the principles of sports nutrition completely. What is the point of staying healthy when you do not even know what being healthy is all about?

You must also avoid engaging yourself in false beliefs and misconceptions. Myths are completely different from facts, and your sports nutrition health is indeed a fact so do not, under any circumstances, mix unreal and unproven principles with facts. Doing so will do a great deal in compromising your health, thus, your career as an athlete.

You must also take note of nutrition requirements that are related to your training program. Failure to recognize these said requirements would bring bad effects to your health status. Why? You might be taking carbohydrates all right but not in the right amount or in the amount that is appropriate for you. So there will either be an excess or a lack, and neither is helpful for your health status.

There is a fine line between having a good sports nutrition health and dieting to lose fat. In fact, it is not just a fine line but a huge line. Do not mistake them to be the same thing or else your health will be compromised.

You may have an extremely busy schedule, being an athlete and all, but you must still consume appropriate amount of food. So you must manage your time well to have an adequate time for eating. Time management is definitely the key.

For starters, you may not be financially stable right away, but that is how it always is when you are just beginning. However, this scarcity of finances might be a factor for you not to be able to attain adequate food supplies.

Fats are the things that you should be more concerned about since these are the ones that decide what kind of figure to give your body. You must not lose more than one half pound of fat in a week because if this happens, your body will individually think that you are undergoing a fasting, trying to starve yourself. If this is the case, your metabolism slows down since there is a need to conserve calories that have been used and also since your muscles will be used as sources of energy.

So listen to these tips and you will be on your way to stardom as a successful athlete, but still keep your sports nutrition health very much intact. Why? It is because without proper sports nutrition health, you will not have a chance or an opportunity to be a successful athlete. An athlete yes, but a successful one? Think again.