Finding a Coffee Franchise with Flair

There are many ways to add a bit of flair to most businesses. Unfortunately most franchise businesses frown on adding flair that isn’t uniform. For this reason, if you want something a little more than a cup of coffee out of your coffee franchise (other than profits of course) you might want to make sure you plan for that in the beginning and seek coffee franchise opportunities that have a little bit more than just a cup of Joe to get your motor running.

Why would you want more than coffee in your coffee franchise?

This is actually a great question and the answer is quite simple. Not everyone likes to drink coffee. I know that many of you out there just fainted dead away but it’s true. There are those among us who do not infuse coffee directly into the veins each and every morning to wake up. In addition there are those who go so far as to not liking coffee at all. It’s a sad state in which to exist I know but there you have it. If your business offers more than a cup of coffee to your customers and clientele you are going to be able to capitalize on those who come along with friends but aren’t as thrilled to be in a coffee shop. In fact, if you offer the right combinations and selections you just might find a loyal customer base that doesn’t ever purchase coffee in your franchise store.

The good news is that there are many coffee franchises that offer a little bit more than coffee for franchise owners to serve. My personal favorite is one such business that offers fudge and coffee though this is certainly not the only calorific option available. There are plenty of businesses that combine a bakery with a coffee franchise or a caf atmosphere with the coffee culture. Some newer businesses are also combining smoothies with their coffee options.

If you are like many of the people that inhabit the United States you are probably well aware that there are plenty of coffee drinkers out there. If you open a coffee franchise in an area that isn’t already saturated with coffee franchises and provide excellent quality and service chances are that your business will do well whether your focus solely on coffee or offer those extras that you might find interesting on a personal level.

There really is no one right or wrong option to make when selecting your coffee franchise only the decision that is either right or wrong for you. Not everyone wants a business with a split focus and there is a good bit of argument in favor of a business that does one thing and does that one thing exceptionally well. It is up to you which of these will be appealing to you. If you grow quickly bored with the same thing variety may be the perfect spice of life however, if you are the type of person that enjoys the idea of perfecting one thing then you might be more inclined to stick with coffee and make your coffee franchise business the best on the block by far.

Coffee Franchise v Building a Unique Business

Building a business from the ground floor is a very time consuming, emotionally taxing, and financially straining prospect. This is one reason that franchise businesses are so popular among those seeking the security of business ownership but not willing to risk their financial futures and security in the effort. The price that is paid for the lower risk of franchise ownership is lower profits while the business is being built in the form of franchise fees and expenses related to following the rules and requirements of the franchise organization.

The problems with building a business of your very own are plentiful. The first hurtle to overcome is that the average first time business owner doesn’t know beans about coffee much less about the market, building a business plan, or operating a business. This is problematic if you are pursuing something as specialized as coffee for your business. A coffee franchise does not only provide a product and concept for running a business but also provides valuable training on the product as well as the process of running a business. This knowledge alone is well worth the franchise fee when you choose a great partnership for your business.

Coming up with a concept that is unique and trendy is another problem that most first time business owners face. It’s great if you have a fabulous concept and the know how to implement that concept it can be disastrous if you are lacking one or the other however. The coffee franchise builds upon someone else’s concept and implementation. This means that you learn from the trial and error of other people saving time and money in the process while turning over an even great profit much sooner than if you were building your own business from the ground floor.

A coffee franchise is often preceded by its reputation. This is another benefit that is huge when it comes to expensive advertising and name recognition. If you have a name that people know before they walk in the door then your customers know what to expect and you will have customers that come to you because they tried the franchise elsewhere and liked it. People enjoy doing what is familiar to them for the most part and you can capitalize on the efforts of others to build a reputation to catapult your own.

Franchises are essentially partnerships. The parent company is dedicated to your success because they have their name attached to your store. While they aren’t necessarily silent partners in the running of your business (as most franchises have very strict formulas for success) they are going to make their best effort to help you succeed as a partner rather than a competitor. This is good for you as a coffee franchise owner as you have someone that is willing to help you succeed. Most people going it alone are doing just that and have no one there to help them work through the rough spots or offer training, education, or encouragement.

Coffee Franchise Options

One thing that coffee franchises offer that very few types of franchises have to offer is options. There are literally tons of options for the coffee franchise that simply do not exist for other franchises because of the types of businesses that many of them are. Coffee is a business that can be done in a small amount of space or it may occupy an entire store with fresh coffee, brewed coffee, and dozens of other options.

If you are looking for an excellent business but are afraid to work yourself into one particular mold a coffee franchise might be an excellent choice for you to put your research efforts into learning more about. In addition to finding coffee franchises of varying sizes and scope you will also find wide variances in price from one franchise to the next Many franchises are quite expensive to purchase and operate while some of the coffee franchises available on the market are surprisingly low in start up costs and overhead. It depends, as mentioned above, largely on what your plans and expectations may be.

The first coffee franchise that you might want to consider and the one that requires the smallest investment is the kiosk. This is a very small venture for your investment dollar that doesn’t promise the eye glazing profits that some of the larger franchise stores present but does at least offer an affordable entrance into the world of franchise ownership. By purchasing one adding another to your portfolio once you get the first up and running you have the potential to add more to your investment portfolio and build a substantial income.

The drive thru coffee shop is the second on the list. This is a great high volume business. There are some that choose to have two drive thru windows so that more business can be accommodated simultaneously. This is a great business decision if your coffee franchise store is located in an area that is busy enough to accommodate both windows. The expenses in an operation such as this are a little more than a kiosk but not as much as a walk in coffee shop.

The walk in coffee shop requires a more substantial investment. The options are to offer freshly brewed coffee to guests who enter as well as a few snacks that compliment coffee and quite possibly some coffee for your customers to carry home for their brewing pleasure. These little hot spots are not as comfy cozy as most coffee bistros are coffee houses but tend to turn a nice tidy profit for those that are willing to make the investment.

A coffee house is going to be one of the more significant investments when it comes to a coffee franchise sort of business. Most of these will have some sort of prevailing theme, excellent coffee, a few options for those who do not like coffee, and a delicious dessert or two for those who need a few additional calories to finish off the experience or get the morning going.

There is no right or wrong way to build your coffee franchise only the method that you are most comfortable building. Decide which of these is best for you and then compare your options.

Can a Coffee Franchise Secure Your Future?

There are many reasons that people consider franchise ownership. First and foremost among those reasons is a secure future for the family of the franchise owner. Some choose to invest in a coffee franchise in order to plan for better golden years once retirement age has been reached while others seek potential earnings for a comfortable living both now and in the future. Whatever your reason for seeking franchise ownership I’m sure the question as to whether or not coffee really is the way to go has come up at one point in time or another.

Is Coffee the Way to Go?

There is no cut and dried simple yes or no answer for this question. Each investor is different just as each coffee franchise is different. You must consider several contributing factors when weighing whether or not a coffee franchise is the wave of the future you are looking for with your investment dollars.

Many people begin their days with a nice piping hot cup of coffee. Many would be investors seeking franchise ownerships appreciate the symbolism of a coffee franchise business as a new start or beginning and the fact that so many people not only across the nation but around the world begin their days with a cup of this delicious brew.

If you are one of those people then undoubtedly the allure of a coffee franchise will tug a bit and that is a good thing, if you believe you can sell coffee, if you believe in the particular coffee franchise you are considering, and if your target area isn’t already saturated with coffee related businesses and franchises. You absolutely do not want to be the new kid in a saturated market unless you have something new and different to offer that the other coffee franchise establishments in the area do not.

If you are wondering why coffee the answer is relatively simple. First of all coffee is big business. Around the world coffee is being consumed on a more regular basis as many of the negative connotations and side effects of coffee are being replaced by benefits and low or no caffeine options. New people are waking up to the appeal of coffee on a daily basis and many consumers of coffee drink more than one cup per day. This means that those coffee drinkers are likely to return on a regular basis bringing in repeat customers and if you choose the right set up for your coffee franchise you can capitalize on repeat business while also drawing in your share of new loyal customers as well.

Can a Coffee Franchise Secure your Future?

Absolutely! But this will only happen if you choose wisely, treat your coffee franchise like a business rather than a hobby, and take proactive steps in the process of growing and exposing your business. A franchise goes a long way towards establishing name recognition and professional advertising but you must play an active role in the growth of your coffee franchise as well if you are seeking true success and a comfortable living and/or retirement.

Best Kept Secrets of Coffee Franchise Ownership

Once you’ve made the decision to purchase your very own coffee franchise there are many questions, doubts, and fears that will arise. There are a few secrets that successful franchise owners know that those who do not succeed often either overlook, forget, or do not believe the importance of. Growing a business is hard work. Heed the secrets below in order to make your coffee franchise the best in the business and to have a staff that is loyal to you.

1) Take your time when selecting your franchise and find a coffee franchise that you really like and not just one that you think will make you the most money. If you do not like the uniforms, rules, restrictions, or coffee in the beginning chances are good that you aren’t going to grow to like them over time. Instead, go with a business that you believe in and let your enthusiasm be contagious. Your customers and your staff will know if you are in business just to make money or you really want to build a great environment for everyone.

2) Be passionate. If you can’t get passionate about coffee then a coffee franchise probably isn’t the business solution you’re looking for. If you are passionate about coffee, make sure you build your business around the coffee that lights your fire and not some off brand that doesn’t make your mornings shine (besides you don’t want your customers to catch you sneaking a sip of the other guy’s coffee).

3) Be prepared to work. Building a business is hard work. Far too often franchise owners expect to pay the bills, sit back, and watch the profits roll in. In a perfect world, maybe but in the world in which we live hard work is necessary to begin your business and an absolute necessity when it comes to making your business grow.

4) Make work fun. Build a team atmosphere, play fun music when customers aren’t in the business, and give your employees incentive to succeed. While this isn’t a field in which you can afford to pay your employees a great amount of money you can do little things that give them incentives to do well and succeed. These goals are often better for some employees than higher pay would be and will breed a loyal staff that actually enjoys coming to work day in and out.

5) Be involved. If you are involved in the daily operation of your business you are in a much better position to see when things start to look bleak and correct potential problems before they arise. If you are not involved the problems may be catastrophes that are much more expensive and time consuming to fix than if you had caught them early on.

There are many ways to run your business and it is your business (as long as you remain within the guidelines of the franchise) but it is much better to follow the steps above and keep things running smoothly than risk significant problems by ignoring some of these valuable recommendations.