A Few Cake Decorating Ideas

Did you know that the first cakes baked in America where small loaves of sweet bread? Look how far we have come. Home bakers should not be intimidated by the elaborate cakes being made today. You do not need to be a pastry chef to make beautiful cakes, you just need the know-how and practice. Of course the right tools will go a long way in your cake decorating endeavors. Here are a few ideas you might like to try.

Every cake worth merit starts with a smooth icing. The cake needs to cool completely before they are iced and decorated. To keep crumbs from ending up in your icing and ruining the look of your cake, start with a thin base coat of frosting that is not quite as stiff as the regular layer will be. Once this coat is on, set the cake in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. This will set the icing and any crumbs will be caught in this first layer. Now you can spread a regular layer of icing without worrying about crumbs.

Use an icing spatula to apply and smooth the second coat of icing. Once the icing is on the cake, start smoothing on the sides by running the spatula around the perimeter of the cake. One trick for smoothing the frosting is to dip the metal icing spatula in cold water, this will aid in smoothing the frosting. To smooth the top, dip the spatula in cold water and holding it horizontally over the top of the cake. Start at the point farthest from you, holding the spatula in both hands, skim the top of the icing by bringing the spatula straight toward you.

Simple Designs

Some cake decorators say learning to smooth the icing is the hardest part of cake decorating. Practice will make you a pro in not time. Once you have it down, show it off, even a cake without many decorations that is clean and smooth will make an perfectly elegant offering.

Instead of icing, cake tops can be dusted with powdered sugar. You can choose to use a stencil for a more decorated appearance, or just the powdered sugar for a clean look.

Edible decorations are a beautiful yet simple cake decorating technique. The use of sprinkles, candy, nuts, and coconut pressed into the icing before it sets, will make your cake stand out.

To apply a textured look for your cake decorating, use a small cardboard comb, available in baking supply stores.

Piping is achieved by using a pastry bag fitted with a metal tip that is held on by a coupler. This is your most important tool for cake decorating. You can make lines, words, shells, flowers, and many other designs on the top or sides of the cake. Fill the bag with no more than 1 cup of icing at a time, twist the top of the bag and keep steady pressure when piping the design. Use your other hand to guide the tip. It is wise to find out everything you can about piping before you begin.

Fondant a smooth white paste, is used in complicated cake decorating. Fondant is kneaded and rolled to cover cakes with a sleek smooth layer of icing. It is also used to make designs that are 3-D. It is less tasty than buttercream, but the cake will look sleek and elegant.

What Frosting To Use In Your Cake Decorating

Those of us who are into cake decorating, think of the beautiful icing designs when we think of cake. Icing is the finishing touch on cakes, cookies, and cupcakes. There are several different types of icing used in cake decorating. The choice of icing while cake decorating, will have a great deal to do with how the decorated cake will look.

1. Buttercream Icing: Buttercream is the icing that is used the most in cake decorating. This is the same type of frosting that we can buy readymade in the grocery store. This icing is easy to use and easy to make. The ingredients are confectioners sugar, and butter or shortening. What you use to thin the frosting will differ with the icing texture you need to work with, to determine whether to use eggs or milk. Take care when thinning the frosting, remember, a little milk goes a long way. If you find the frosting is too thin, you can add a bit of confectioners sugar to thicken it.

To assure an even finish on your frosting, dip the icing spatula in cold water to make the surface smooth. This will give a smoother finish for writing. Buttercream is used to create flowers and other decorations made with a pastry bag. The icing needs to be the right consistency to make flower petals or writing. When you make roses out of icing, you can freeze them and add them to the cake later. This will make them easier to handle.

Buttercream can be stored in the refrigerator without getting hard. Make sure it is back to room temperature before you attempt to use it.

2. Foam Icing: This is a meringue and is used on lemon pie or Baked Alaska. This frosting is made of egg whites beaten into stiff peaks. It is possible to add flavoring and color to the meringue. You will not be able to use this icing for intricate cake decorating, and you won’t be able to use an icing bag with this icing. This icing is used when you want the cake to look fluffy, with little ornate decoration.

3. Fondant: This icing is very popular with those who decorate wedding cakes, and cakes for very special occasions. The ingredients are simply powdered sugar, water, cream of tartar, or glucose. Fondant is thick and doughy, with a silky, smooth, texture. Fondant will give the cake a flawless surface, and soft, rounded edges. Working with fondant is an art and will take practice to get it right. Fondant has a translucent quality, and will work best when placed on the cake over a thin layer of buttercream frosting.

4. Fudge Icing: Fudge icing is made from chocolate, peanut butter, almond, or mint. This icing is quite thick and contains both shortening and butter.

5. Glazes: This frosting is thin and watery, and will harden into a shell after it is placed on the cake. This frosting is mostly used on pastries. Glazes help to keep the pastry moist.

6. Flat Icing: This icing is similar to a glaze, but it is a bit thicker. Flat icing is a combination of confectioner’s sugar and water and is used to drizzle onto pastries.

7. Royal Icing: This is also a flat icing, and hardens after it is set. Royal icing is a wonderful choice to make flowers, sculptures, and garnishes for cake decorating.

You can use any combination of the basic seven icings listed, to create a personal masterpiece. You will need to practice before you become good at cake decorating. You will get the hang of it sooner than you think, and even the mistakes will taste great.

The Process of Becoming a Pastry Chef

Want to make a name in the culinary arts industry? Well, you have several options and each of which require dedication, self-training and formal training and lots of creativity and love for food, more specifically pastries.

Pastries are not among the hardest to prepare and cook but they are not also the easiest to make. In short, they’re just somewhere in the middle. But this doesnt mean that you can be a pastry chef if you only have the “want”. Without the seriousness for work and the passion on what you are doing, becoming anything that is truly significant would be as hard as pushing a boulder uphill. If you are truly recognizing your need to become a pastry chef, we advise you to continue reading.

Know what you truly want to do
First you have ask yourself if you have the vocation. Cooking is not merely something one does to kill time or to express his love for exploring options on preparing for himself meals that he wants. It is also a vocation, a sort of a calling. As someone contemplating on this option, it is best that you recognize the need for self examination.

You will have to examine your intentions on entering in the world of the culinary arts. If you truly want to take things seriously, you will have to firmly decide what you intend to do. If you cannot establish your real plans, you might find yourself hanging at the end of the string, realizing that you have wasted time on something that you really dont want.

No one would stop you from becoming a pastry chef. It is just that there are lots of options out there both presented by the culinary arts industry and other industries. If you really want to become an expert in pastry preparation then apply for a course in culinary arts major in pastries. There are bachelor’s degrees, associate degrees and other minor degrees that you could choose from. Whichever way you want, be firm. Once you have begun your posit of career, you must decide not to stray away from it unless you have some good reason to support your decisions.

Train, train and train some more
Apart from your dedication on your chosen field, there is nothing that could equal your formal and informal training in relation to your becoming a pastry chef. Training could be vied as an educational aspect or it may be viewed as practical application of what you have learned in schools.

Training would not only let you use what you have learned but it would also help you perfect some components that lack fineness of delivery. After all, practice makes perfect, right?

While there may things that could not be perfected, you still have the option on taking things closer to perfection.

You would only spot your mistakes and imperfections through training. There are lots of pastry chefs who never stop training even after school hours. This training come in forms like preparing pastries at home, reading materials regarding pastries and observing people doing some pastry works. Any kind of training and practices could benefit a learner so long as he is attentive enough on both the essentials and the not-so-significant things that could be turned into specialties.

Discernment and training are crucial components of becoming a pastry chef. It is not all about cooking and preparation of ingredients after all, it is also about taking inward and outward steps that would deliver you from point A to the point B of your career.

Key Components on How to Become a Pastry Chef

Do you want to learn how to become a pastry chef? Many people think that in order to become a pastry chef, you need to graduate from culinary school. However, you should realize that learning how to become a pastry chef today can be quite easy. This is because all the information you need can be found on the internet. Here are some of the things that you need in order to become a pastry chef:

Passion People can be very passionate about different types of food. In order to become a pastry chef, you need to be passionate about pastry. You need to see more than just a piece of glorified bread. You need to see a whole universe of possibilities in pastry. You need to be driven to excellence. Everyone can become a pastry chef if they just follow recipes to the letter. However, you need to transcend that and become a great pastry chef.

Creativity The key to becoming a great pastry chef is creativity. The difference between a good pastry chef and a great pastry chef is the fact that one follows recipes while the other creates recipes. Creativity, of course, comes from passion. Creativity, however, needs to be unleashed. In order to make your creativity work for you and make you a great pastry chef, you need to be willing to experiment. This means that you need to be curious and ask yourself “what can I do to make this pastry better?”

Pastry, on its own is actually quite uninteresting. It is the different things that people do with pastry that make them great food. In order to become a pastry chef, you need to possess the creativity that can turn pastry from part of the main course to dessert.

Tools Of course, in order to unleash your creativity and become a pastry chef, you need to have the right tools. These tools will help you translate your creativity into the pastry. These will help you transform your thoughts into delectable creations. A huge part of becoming a pastry chef is knowing the right tools to buy. This is because these tools will serve as translators. Your talent and creativity will be limited by what tools are available for your use. This means that you have to find tools which will be able to let you express your creativity to the fullest. This will help you become a great pastry chef.

Patience Becoming a pastry chef requires a huge amount of waiting. You can only exercise your creativity for a certain period of time and then, you have to let the heat of the oven do its job. You need to learn patience in order to get through this part of making pastry. You have to accept that when the pastry is in the oven, there is nothing you can do but wait. If you don’t take any shortcuts, you will be rewarded with something that comes purely from your skills.

Practice In order to become a pastry chef, you need to become a pastry chef. The key to cooking is cooking. You don’t just learn how to become a pastry chef, you need to practice it. This is the only way to truly become a pastry chef. So what are you waiting for?

Hints to Becoming a Pastry Chef

If you want to become a pastry chef then you should know by now that it is not an easy road to travel. Here are some hints to help you become a pastry chef:

Examine yourself What do you know about making a pastry chef? In order to asses how much you have to learn to become a pastry chef, you need to learn where you stand. Examining yourself should reveal just how much you should learn and how much you want to learn about making pastry. Try to think about how much you want to become a pastry chef: is your desire enough to help you overcome the obstacles you have to face?

Get help If you want to learn how to become a pastry chef, then you should start looking for help. There are different areas you can turn to. Today, the internet provides people with most information about any topic. Through the internet, you will be able to find out what other people think you need to become a pastry chef. You will be able to explore the different meanings of pastry all over the world.

That’s right: meanings.

Some people may think of pastry as having types however, you should realize that all over the world, pastries do not have types. Instead, they have different interpretations according to culture and geographic location. This means that you will need to get the help of different people in order to even get yourself ready for the task of becoming a pastry chef.

You should also try to get books. Many people underestimate the capacity of books to impart knowledge but you should remember that you need every resource you can get in order to become a pastry chef. Besides, not every type of information can be found on the internet.

Train Every pastry chef has trained. What else are you going to do with all the information that you have gathered? In order to become a pastry chef, you need to either enroll in a baking class or apprentice yourself to an experienced pastry chef. Becoming a pastry chef is actually cheaper than training in other culinary arts, at least in terms of tuition.

What you need to understand, though, is that becoming a pastry chef mostly involves science. This is because precise measurements are needed to produce great pastry. It is also true that since pastries are usually made in batches, you need to make sure that each piece of the batch tastes the same with the others. This would make sure that the people eating the pastries would not be disappointed. You need to train your skills in order to truly master the science.

Improve and Innovate Of course, in order to become a pastry chef, you also need to understand the fact that there is art in it. People will get sick of eating the same type of pastry over and over again. You need to find ways to make your creations different. You can be subtle, you can be bold, but you have to be different! This is what it truly means to become a pastry chef. You should never be complacent that you have reached your peak. You need to constantly improve your skills in order to improve your creations.