Recipes for People who are Allergy-Sensitive

A food allergy is a type of immunologic reaction due to intake of certain food protein. Recent studies show that there are about twelve millions Americans who suffer from food allergies.

Shellfish, eggs, tree nuts, fish and peanuts are considered familiar causes of food allergies to older people. The younger ones usually suffer food allergies from peanuts, milk and eggs.

Currently, the only cure for people who are allergy-sensitive is to prevent intake of foods which makes them allergic or what is termed as allergens. To avoid food allergy attacks, it is a must to carefully prepare the food that will be consumed by allergy-sensitive people.

At this time there are more than 200 recipes which you can cook. Many of those are free from allergens.

Egg-free Diet

Over reaction of the immune system in the body when proteins from the eggs are ingested causes egg allergy.

You need to avoid prepared foods wherein albumin, egg, and other egg substitutes are present if you have allergies with egg. There are different egg substitute which you incorporate on your cooking recipe such as:

– Puree from apricot
– Plain gelatin with warm water
– Mix of baking powder, vinegar and liquid

You need to check the appropriate amount of each item before you prepare the above-mentioned substitutes.

Peanut-free Diet

All kinds of nut as well as foods that may contain peanut protein should be prevented for consumption if you happen to belong to people who have peanut allergies.

These days, there are a lot of peanut-free recipes you can prepare. To name a few of peanut-free recipes are: (1) SoyNut Butter Cookies; (2) Smoothie made from Super Soy; (3) Tofu Pie made from SoyNut and Banana; (4) Ginger soup; and (5) Sauce prepared from SoyNut.

It has been discovered that soy nut is the best substitute for food preparation which is free from peanut. A soy nut does not belong to the nut family since the term is coined for soybeans that are drenched and baked for a crispier taste.

Milk-free Diet

Milk allergy is an allergic response of the immune system when an individual has consumed one or more proteins acquired from cows milk.

If you are allergic to milk, you need not consume foods or beverages which contain milk, butter, different types of cheese, and sour creams. Some of dairy-free recipes which you may want to prepare are: (1) Potato Soup which are homemade; (2) Grilled Salmon; (3) Shrimp which is marinated then grilled; (4) Pecan snack; and (5) Spaghetti with No Red Sauce.

The complete information with regards to the recipes of some cited examples may be searched at the internet. The ingredients as well as the cooking procedures are also available through the internet. All you need to do is type in the keyword.

People who have food allergies can still taste delectable delicacies eliminating the allergens which triggers their allergy. The one who is preparing the food must be cautious not to include food triggers. Most importantly, there are a multitude of alternative food recipes which you can cook. The internet is a good source of recipes.

Eating should not be boring for people with food allergies. It takes a lot of creativity and resourcefulness so that you can eat the foods that you want using different food substitutes.

Food Allergy Overview and How to Fight It

Isnt it annoying when you smell the delicious aroma of a meal only to find out that it has an ingredient to which you are allergic? Ah! The demise of every person with food allergies! It is no fun to watch other people devour food that seems so delicious but you cant take part of the experience. How many times have you encountered comments like, great food isnt? And sometimes you just cant bear to admit you are allergic and just smile as if you knew how it tasted.

Then you try to ask questions, what is food allergy? What are causing these annoying symptoms? Whats happens inside the body during allergic reactions? Ah! Understanding ones own health condition will better help them accept and overcome whatevers bothering them.

To start with, food allergy is unusual reaction to certain type of food allergen. An allergen is the substance or thing that causes the allergic reactions. Exposure to the allergen sets off the alarm in the human immune system which consequently releases antibodies to fight off the invasion of the perceived foreign body that is the food allergen. It then causes the symptoms you would see when you are in a state of allergic reaction.

The aforementioned is just an overview of the whole picture. Looking more closely, allergic reactions undergo two courses of action. The initial course is the release of immunoglobulin E or IgE by the immune system into the blood stream. IgE is a food-specific antibody and a protein that is the bodys immune defense against the food allergen.

Following the initial response is the attachment of the IgE to the mast cells. These mast cells are present in body tissues specially locations of the body where allergic reactions are common. These locations may include the lungs, skin, nasal and oral cavities, and the gastrointestinal system.

As for the food itself, you may have noticed that you are not just allergic to one type of food. There are instances that you experience an allergic reaction to oyster and then later you found out that you are also allergic to crabs and other seafoods. This occurrence is what medical professionals call cross-reactivity, wherein an individual can be allergic to closely related or similar types of foods.

The only way to deal with this unfortunate mishap is to try as best as you can to avoid the foods that set off allergic reactions in your body. There is no cure to food allergy but there are medications out there that can alleviate its symptoms. With the help of a medical health professional, you can be assisted in the ways you can avoid exposures to food allergens. Nutritionists may teach you alternative ingredients or foods to replace the food that will be eliminated from your diet. Also, make it a habit to check food labels for possible ingredients that you may be allergic with and do not hesitate to warn the restaurant employees, like the waiter, about your food allergy to prevent any unwanted accidents.

Individuals who are highly allergic are advised to put on medical alert necklaces or bracelets which declare your condition. As for the medications, some patients who are very vulnerable are also advised to bring with them at all times a self-injectible epinephrine, which is prescribed by the doctor, that can be of great help during sudden attacks of allergic reactions before seeking out for the assistance of an emergency team.

Other medications are antihistamines, bronchodilators, and corticosteroids. Antihistamines help improve symptoms of rhinitis, hives, rashes, and gastrointestinal problems. Corticosteroids alleviate the severity of inflammations of the skin and in other areas of the body. While bronchodilators are utilized to open up air passages of the respiratory tract that has become inflamed which would have resulted to breathing difficulties.

To understand more about your food allergies, you can consult your physician. There are also comprehensive books in the market that can be easily understood by just about anybody that has complete information about food allergies and how to fight it.

Fighting Off Food Allergy Reactions

Allergies to food are commonly dealt with by the avoidance of the allergy-causing food. When the allergen (the one that causes allergic reactions) has been recognized, the patient is then advised to eliminate it from his or her diet. This is achieved by revolutionizing the food prepared and reading carefully food labels on food products. A specific instruction when ordering food also helps avoid allergic mishaps when eating out.

All this cautiousness is due to the fact that there are individuals out there that are highly allergic in which even a tiny amount of allergens can cause major symptoms. Plus, there are also food preparations that contain some common food allergens which the average person would not usually link together.

To prevent exposure to foods that you may be allergic with, self-awareness is very important. You should know the food culprits that are causing these uncomfortable reactions. Knowledge can help you and your physician in formulating a management plan for your allergy. You should also make it a routine to scrutinize food labels when checking for possible food allergens included in the ingredients. During eat outs, do not hesitate inquiring about the ingredients of the meal you are planning to order.

Another precautionary measure, especially for those who manifest severe allergic symptoms when exposed to a food allergen, is the wearing of necklaces or bracelets provided by a medical institution to alert other people about your allergies in case of an accident, for example, to a state of unconsciousness.

Patients are also advised to constantly bring with them epinephrine self-injectibles which are prescribed by their physicians. Their physicians will instruct them how to self-administer the medication during an episode of allergic reaction.

If symptoms seem to be getting intense, emergency medics should be called to help transport the individual to the nearest hospital. Severe and sudden allergic reactions are also called anaphylactic reactions. Anaphylaxis may be fatal if not treated quickly.

Other than epinephrine injections, there are still other medications that can be prescribed by the physician to deal with allergic reactions to food. These medications would include bronchodilators, antihistamines, corticosteroids, and adrenergic agonists.

Bronchodilators relieve symptoms that are associated with difficulty of breathing. It basically dilates the bronchial air passageways of the respiratory tract that have become inflamed due to the allergic reaction which eventually helps the patient breathe normally. Highly allergy-sensitive individuals should carry with them fast-acting bronchodilators if they also experience asthmatic attacks from time to time that may be triggered by the allergic reaction.

Antihistamines alleviate symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, hives, rashes, and gastrointestinal discomforts. And corticosteroids lessen the severity of skin irritations and other inflammation caused by the allergic reaction. Antihistamines can be available in syrup or chewable tablet for easy access when a sudden allergic episode occurs.

Adrenergic agonists are utilized during emergency treatment for anaphylactic reactions. Results are immediate and highly effective. Adrenergic agonists typically alleviate symptoms of angioedema, cardiovascular collapse, bronchospasm, and hives.

In addition to medications that fight off symptoms of food allergies, there are treatments that are causing quite a stir in the medical world although there are not enough studies that have been conducted to prove that these treatments are effective.

One these revolutionary treatments includes the desensitization of the patient by administering injections of small amounts of the food allergen on a regular basis. This treatment claims that it can eventually make the patient endure the food allergen in the long run. Another is the introduction of a diluted substance that contains the food allergen underneath the tongue thirty minutes before the actual food intake. This treatment works in a way that it will defuse the symptomatic manifestations of the consumed food allergen.

Lastly, bear in mind that there is no cure to food allergies. All the aforementioned are only there to help alleviate the symptoms of allergic reactions.

What Are Some Mexican Frozen Treats

It can get very hot in Mexico. Mexicans have a variety of cool treats to enjoy. From ice cream sandwiches to popsicles, they have many to choose from. The treats consist of chocolate, cinnamon, and different fruits. Some men even sell the treats up and down the streets similar to in America where you will see ice cream trucks in the summer selling cold snacks.

Popsicles are popular in Mexico. Paletas which mean “little shovels” in Spanish can be found in Mexican grocery stores. They come in regular shapes, but their flavors are what differs them from American popsicles. Some paletas include milk and tropical fruits, while others are full of more ice and more tart flavors. Some flavors that are not very common in America are chili, and cucumber. The chili one is a bit spicy, so pepper lovers would enjoy this flavor. Paletas are easy to make at home and carry little fat. If you would prefer to buy them, paletas are sold at many street vendors in Hispanic neighborhoods. A California-based company named Palapa Azul makes paletas to sell to a much wider market, not just for Hispanics. You might even be able to purchase paletas at Walmart!

Mexican fried ice cream is another mouth watering treat. It is somewhat Americanized. You can find fried ice cream at Mexican restaurants in the United States and also at festivals. The ice cream used is more frozen than majority of ice creams. The ball of ice cream is rolled with different items such as cookie crumbs and then cooked in the deep fryer at a very low temperature. This allows the ice cream not to melt. Once it is fried, toppings can be added. Cinnamon is a common topping. Fried ice cream has become so common that it is also served in Chinese and Japanese restaurants. They add different flavors to the ice cream. You might find it green tea flavored.

If in the mood for just regular vanilla ice cream, cajeta would be a great topping. Cajeta is a Mexican confection of syrup most commonly made from caramelized milk that is sweetened. The syrup is made by the sweetened liquid being cooked slowly and breaking down until it is very thick. Some people use different liquids instead of sweetened milk. You might find cajeta made with juice or a different sweetened liquid. Different parts of Mexico may know the milk candy by different names such as leche quemada and dulce de leche. It is topped on ice cream. Even the Hershey Company produces cajeta which is targeted for Mexican food lovers. Cajeta is a great addition to ice cream, especially on a hot day in Mexico.

These cool treats are easy to make from your own home. Do some research on the different flavors and try to make a few. If you have a child, have some fun and both make them together and of course eat the finished treat. These are perfect on a warm day, but can still be enjoyable anytime of the year.

The Six Scottish Malt Regions

Scotland can be divided into six different malt making segments or regions; Islay, Campbeltown, speyside, Islands Lowlands and highlands. Each of these regions produce a different malt as the characteristics are different so too are the methods of distilling. Climate variations, raw materials, and production methods all play a roll in the differing of these malts.


This is a small island off the western coast of Scotland and is the site of many wonderful malt distilleries. They have many variations of malts however the most notable carry a tangy smoky peaty taste. The current number of running distilleries is at eight although at onetime there was said to be twenty-three, with the newest edition opened in 2005.


This mountainless and flat region is apparent by its name and is also in the most southern region of Scotland. This brew is contains less of the smoke, peat, and salt than most other malts coming from Scotland and it carries with it a mildly fiery yet smooth taste.


This is undoubtedly the center of the whiskey universe in Scotland. The Spey River runs directly through the area hence the name. A good majority of top distilleries use water from the river in their processes. Although some of the characteristics vary in speyside it is still a part of the Highland geographically speaking. Someone interested in trying a traditional Scottish malt for the first time would do well with this malt, as it is rich and relatively mild in taste.


The largest malt-producing region in Scotland is by far the Highlands. This brew is smoky and very rich. In comparison to malts from the lowlands, many of the different distilleries produce a different taste to their malts. This is caused by the varying microclimate differences. The use of many different raw materials and the inclusion of some changed production routines also contribute to these distinctions in taste


At one time Campbeltown was Scotlands prime distillery site. Twenty-one distilleries were active in and around 1886 however only three are currently in business. This region is still considered a separate malt state for the value of historians.


Arran, Orkney, Mull, Jura, and skye make up the body of islands that sometimes get confused with Islay. This is in fact an entirely separate region. Those whom have some experience drinking malts generally enjoy the malts from this region.